Saturday, October 24, 2009

Growing Taller Nutrition Part 6 – Water

As you are probably aware that water is the foundation for life and is the basic essential element of our bodies.
In fact around 80% of our body is made up of water! It is used in every single process that take place both internally and externally from operating our organs to moisturizing our skin and maintaining muscle structure too.
Water is also use in the synovial fluids that lubricate our joints and allow them to move freely every day.
It is difficult for us to understand just how crucial water is to our survival, but when you consider that a human can generally survive for several weeks without food, but can only survive for a matter of two days without water, it helps to emphasize its importance in our lives.
It is recommended that we consume around 1.5 litres of water each and every day. This can be made up of other fluids such as tea, coffee and juice drinks, but it is critical we do not let our bodies become dehydrated.
What we need to remember is that for our bodies to function properly it needs to be adequately hydrated, which means that without water, the processes which use growth hormones to allow us to grow taller cannot take place.
This means that water is a very important factor we need to include in our grow taller nutrition plan.
Don’t forget, it is very difficult to drink too much fluid as our bodies will simply pass it through as urine, which means we can make certain we consume enough fluid each and every day without the risk of it becoming a health problem.
Remember, to grow taller our bodies will need all the nutrients it can get, and water is the basis for consuming these and helping to transport them around your body too.
These fluids can be consumed as one of the following: plain water from a safe drinking source, juice from fresh squeezed fruits or bottled juices, warm drinks such as tea or coffee but beware of taking in too much caffeine as it could lead to headaches and restlessness.
Alcoholic drinks do not qualify as fluid intake as the diuretic effect they have actually means that nutrients are washed from your body and you will lose fluids too.

You Grow Taller During Sleep

Believe it or not each time you go to bed your body will grow by almost an inch during the course of the night! Hard to believe? Yes it is but it’s true, this really does happen each and every day. Let me explain how this works:
Your spinal column is made up of a collection of 33 separate small pieces of bone which are more commonly known as vertebrae. These vertebrae are the core strength in your spinal column.
Each one of these is connected to the next using tough tissues known as ligaments, which allow the vertebrae to be connected without having to be fused together. It also allows for a certain degree of movement which is why we are able to bend our backs somewhat.
Between each of these vertebrae we have a set of thin disc like pieces also known as the invertebral discs. These discs are made from cartilage and their main function is to act as a soft cushioning pad between each vertebrae.
The invertebral discs also act as a small set of shock absorbers which provide protection to the vertebrae should you take a knock or fall. This means your back is less easily damaged in your everyday life.
As a general rule the complete set of vertebrae discs account for around about a quarter of your vertebral column, normally around 6 inches. This basically means that the thicker these invertebral discs are, the longer your whole spinal column will be and therefore the taller you will become.
So how can you grow taller during sleep?
Well the invertebral discs we just mentioned also have a function to absorb nourishment in the form of fluid. During your everyday life you are likely to be placing a good deal of weight on these for a sustained period of time.
As they become compressed you lose some of the thickness in the discs.
However when you undertake non weight bearing activities such as lying down or sleeping, the pressure is reduced and the discs are able to then soak up more nutrients, expand in size and therefore you will grow taller to around an inch more during sleep!
Unfortunately however this is not a permanent effect as the following day will lead to the cycle starting over again, the weight compression of your activities will press down on the invertebral discs and once again lead to the average human adult losing that inch of height once again.
This is how you can grow taller during sleep, but don’t forget that there are ways to permanently increase your height too!

Target Height Growth Through Posture Improving Exercises

Posture is one of the biggest influences on human height growth and back health. If you want to achieve your full height potential, it is important that you maintain good posture throughout all of your activity.
Making a conscious effort to stand up straight is, of course a good way to have good posture. However, performing regular posture improvement and height growth exercises will help your body have better posture naturally.
To help you better understand why posture plays such an important role in your height, you need to know a little bit about the structure of your spine.

Your spine is naturally “S” shaped and when you are standing, a correctly aligned spine will appear as if a string is running straight through your body from the crown of your head, down the center of your torso, and into your heels.
This makes your body stand as tall as possible. When you have poor posture, a portion of your back is curved too much in one direction.
For example, people who tilt their pelvis too forward can develop a “swayback” that slumps their body. When your body slumps in this manner it puts stress on your back and wears down the discs in your spine, decreasing your height.
In fact, many people with poor posture are one to two inches shorter than their real height.
You should always try to maintain good posture in any position. If your back, neck, and other related muscles are not in shape then you will find that you have to make more of an effort to do so.
However, if you strengthen these relevant muscles you will have a natural ability to resist the tendency to slump and fight the pressure put on your spine that causes you to become shorter.
In the following paragraphs, you can learn about three height growth exercises designed to help you improve your posture.
1) The first exercise is called Bowing Down to Yourself. It is one of simplest height growth exercises and you can do it almost anywhere. This move improves your posture, and also stretches out the muscles in your upper back.
Sit down into a chair and keep your back straight and head facing forward. Keep your feet flat on the floor. Slowly lower your chin to your chest and take three long breaths before raising your head back to the starting position. Repeat this movement as necessary.
2) The Bowing Down to Yourself exercise should be followed by the Ear to Shoulder. Like the previous exercise, this will help improve your posture and stretch your upper back muscles.
This movement especially stretches the muscles that run along the sides of your upper spine and neck which helps hold your neck and head in a position of good posture and increase height growth .
Sit in the same position as before, with your spine straight and feet flat on the ground. Take a deep breath and when you exhale roll your right ear towards your right shoulder.
Take another deep breath and as you exhale roll your chin to your chest. On the next deep breath, exhale and roll your left ear to your left shoulder. Finally, take another deep breath and exhale as you roll your chin back to your chest.
All of your movements should be steady and slow and you should inhale deeply. Repeat this set at least 3 more times.
3) As you perform the next exercise, called the Turkey Stretch, you will be able to feel the stretching and lengthening along the back of your neck. Because your neck is such an important factor in good posture, this exercise is great to increase height growth, and general fitness.
Once again, you should keep your spine straight and feet flat while you sit in a chair. Act as if there were a string pulling up the crown of your head to make you as tall as possible.
Focus your eyes on the area in front of your nose and raise your hand to your chin. Take a deep breath in, rest your hand on your chin and then begin to breathe out slowly.
As you exhale, lightly push your chin into your neck until you feel the stretching on the back of your neck. When you finish exhaling stop and then repeat the set, you should do this at least 3 more times.
These three posture exercises are a great start to improving your posture and your back’s overall fitness. These grow taller exercises should be done in conjunction with other posture exercises that work out the other parts of your back as well.
Additionally, you should develop a well-rounded program that includes many different types of human height growth exercises to make sure you give your body the stretching and flexibility it needs to lengthen.
The ebook, Grow Taller 4 Idiots, gives a better explanation of the importance of a good, natural height growth exercise program. In the book, you will read more about how exercises such as these posture exercises, promotes growth and many more examples of exercises you should include in your program.
The book will give you the advice you need to build a strategic exercise program that will give your body the optimum results. Furthermore, Grow Taller 4 Idiots is full of really helpful additional height growth tips such as nutrition and how to overcome the obstacles that limit human height growth

Tips To Grow Taller – Increase Height By Boosting HGH Levels

If you are of a shorter stature then you are probably always looking for great information and tips to grow taller. There are excellent ebooks available that give you height increasing tips regarding exercise, diet, sleep, and many other related topics.
For you to better understand how take advantage all of this information, you need to understand what makes your body grow and how you can use it to your advantage.
Even before you are born, your body is in a rapid state of growth. It stays in a state of growth, usually occurring in spurts, until puberty is complete.
After puberty, you will naturally grow slightly more until about age 30. This growth is a result of Human Growth Hormone, or HGH.
HGH is composed of a complex set of amino acids and is released into your bloodstream by your endocrine system, specifically your pituitary gland. Once in your bloodstream, your brain signals your body to begin using the HGH.
HGH serves many functions. It helps your body turn fat into energy needed for growth. It triggers regeneration and enlargement of organs and muscles.
Most importantly with relevance to height, HGH directs your bones to increase in size and strength. One of the best tips to increase height is to learn how to get your body to make more HGH and how to prepare your body to use the HGH more effectively.
Your brain controls when and how much HGH is released into your system. One of the best tips on how to grow taller is that if you will want to trigger your brain to release more HGH.
Also, you will want to stimulate your brain to use that HGH for growth and not just for repair. Training your brain in this manner means that you have to carefully focus and discipline yourself in several areas of your life.
Sleep is essential to increasing your HGH and therefore growth. This is the peak time when your brain releases HGH and begins to use it within your body.
Of the many tips for growing taller, getting enough sleep is very important. You need to have enough sleep time for your body to unwind from the day’s activities and begin the restoration and growth process.
If you get too little sleep, you will not give your body enough time to release, circulate, and use the HGH in your system. If you are chronically sleep-deprived your brain will be too distracted to focus on growing at all.
However, if you create a good sleep environment where you can get at least 8 hours of deep sleep, you are giving your brain the biggest incentive to release increased quantities of HGH and make you grow.
Eating right is another one of the important height increase tips. As we discussed earlier, HGH is made from amino acids. Amino acids are derived from protein which you must supply your body in order to boost your HGH levels.
You need to have protein in good proportions if you expect to grow. However, protein alone will not make you grow. Fats, Carbohydrates, Vitamins, and Minerals are all apart of good nutrition. Each of these items, in the right amounts, will compliment each other to help release more HGH and build a taller, stronger you.
Furthermore, you must monitor when you eat. If you eat too much food too late in the day, it will keep your body focused on digestion all night instead of releasing HGH.
On the other hand, if you eat smaller meals throughout the day, you will be giving your body just the right amount of the nutrients it needs to release the optimum amounts of HGH.
Another one of the better height increase tips available to produce extra HGH is to develop an effective grow taller exercise program. Scientific studies have shown that the brain releases a larger quantity of HGH after aerobic exercises.
However, you need to prepare your body for growth so that your body does not use the HGH for simply repairs. If you follow up your higher impact exercises with an anaerobic routine, the stretching will help your muscles and cartilage decompress.
This will make it more receptive to the HGH and help trigger growth.
Your body is a very complex machine, so there are many different ways to increase your levels of HGH. Exercise, diet, and sleep play a major role in how much HGH is released in your system and how it is used, but so do many other factors. You must overcome all of these factors before you will be able to best increase and use HGH.
The ebook Grow Taller 4 Idiots can offer you very good tips to grow taller by increasing your levels of HGH. Not only can the book teach you to boost your levels of HGH, it can help you get your body prepared to use the HGH for growth.
The book will help you set up an ideal sleep environment and give you some relaxation techniques so that your body can produce the most HGH during your rest. Also, there are great tips to grow taller by using diet and nutrition to increase your HGH.
Furthermore, the book will help you set up a complete exercise program that helps you maximize the HGH in your system. Finally, Grow Taller 4 Idiots will help you understand the other factors that affect your body’s production and utilization of HGH.
If you use these tips to increase height and boost your levels of HGH, you will be giving your body the building blocks it needs to grow.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

3 Ab Exercises To Get Taller

How to Get Taller Naturally? - 3 Ab Exercises To Get Tallerin Exercises
If you want to know how to get taller fast, then you should know that most of the muscles in your body have an impact on your height.
Therefore, it is important that you have a well-rounded exercise program that affectively works out each important muscle.
This article will teach you about the significance of your abdominal muscles and how a good ab exercise program is one of the major ways to get taller naturally.
Strong abdominal muscles help you get taller in two ways. First, it is known that the strength of your abdominal muscles directly corresponds to the strength of the muscles in your lower back.
These lower back muscles are critical to good posture. It they are weak, and your abs are weak, you will have poor posture which can actually decrease your height. Also, strong lower back muscles help your spine stay flexible which is a key to growth.
Second, working out your abdominal muscles helps you shed extra weight in your abdomen that normally pulls on your back and increases poor posture.
In this article, we will focus on three grow taller exercises that target your lower and middle abdominal muscles. It is important that these exercises be incorporated into a larger abs program so that all of your abdominal muscles are strengthened. Remember, if you have strong abdominal muscles then you will also have a strong back.

Friday, June 5, 2009

3 Yoga Exercises

How To Gain Height Naturally Through Yoga - 3 Yoga Exercises
in Exercises

For centuries people have used the techniques of yoga to improve their body and overall well-being. Yoga stretches your entire body, and especially your spine, and gives it the balance and strength it needs to grow.
If you are someone who is wondering how to gain height naturally, you should consider an exercise program that involves yoga.
Yoga is a series of fluid movements that centers your body. The focus is to create flexibility while controlling your breath. This flexibility and control helps you with gaining height on many levels.
Yoga stretches your body, especially your back, through its full range of motion. This helps your body fully decompress from the downward pressure of gravity that causes you to actually shrink.
Once your body is relieved of this strain, the cartilage in your back and joints can start to lengthen and thicken which makes you taller.
Furthermore, the deep inhalation and focus of yoga helps your body relieve the stress that causes tension in your back muscles. This tension would normally hinder growth, but with these height gain exercises you can overcome it.
Additionally, yoga strengthens your spine which improves your posture. If you want to know how to gain height, you should know that it all begins with good posture.
People have the ability to get a height gain of several inches just by having the correct posture. A spine which is aligned is then prepared to grow longer.
In this article, we will show you how to gain height through three specific yoga exercises. These three vary in degree of difficulty, so that you can start with the grow taller exercise that is best for you.
Also, it is important that you always check with your physician before beginning this, or any, exercise plan.
Sukhasana - The first exercise is called the Sukhasana and it is the “centered” position from which all other yoga moves originate.
It is important that you learn this position because it will help you control your breathing and make you better aware of your body. Furthermore, it tones your lower back and hips, helping the cartilage in those areas to decompress.
You will want to sit on the floor in a cross-legged position, your hands resting on your knees.
Focus on controlling your breathing so that it is deep and at an even pace. Keep your spine perfectly aligned and push your buttocks to the floor and gently lower your knees.

Take several, at least 5, deep breaths and then inhale as you raise your arms upward and over your head. Bring your arms down gently and steadily, exhaling as you do, and then repeat this entire move 5 to 7 times more.

Trikonasana - also called the Triangle, is the second yoga exercise we will discuss. This is slightly more advanced than the Sukhasana.
It will help improve your balance and therefore help you have good posture. Also, it is a very good exercise to use if you want to center yourself and relieve tension.

To begin, stand up with your legs about 3 to 4 feet apart and your feet parallel to one another.
Then, rotate your left foot 90 degrees to the left and your right foot 45 degrees inward.
Inhale and raise your arms to the side so that they are level and parallel to the floor.
Exhale and turn your head to face down the length of your left arm and check that your left knee is lined up with your left ankle.
Take one deep breath and then stretch towards your left ankle while you tilt your left hip down.
Once you have reached your maximum stretch, rotate your arms so that your left hand can now rest against the inside of your calf and your right arm points towards the ceiling.
Turn your head so that you are looking in the direction of your right arm and take several deep breaths.
Then, inhale and straighten your body followed by an exhale as you lower your arms to your hips.
Pivot on your heels and face forward once more. Then, repeat this movement on the right side of your body .
Dog and Cat - The Dog and Cat movements are very popular exercises because they extend your spine fully in two different directions.
This extension will stretch every cartilage disc in your spinal column. While these are typically two separate movements, we are combining them together so that your body can get the maximum flexibility and height gain.

You will begin the exercise on your hands and knees with your hands slightly ahead of your shoulders and knees hip width apart. Inhale and tilt your pelvis up and curve your spine so that your stomach drops towards the ground and your head is up.
Fully stretch your body, but gently, and then move into the cat position by reversing the curve of your spine.
You should finish with your pelvis down and chest and stomach in. Move your body through this movement fluidly, repeating the full cycle many times .
These three exercises are a very good start to beginning a well-planned exercise regiment. However, if you want to learn more about how to gain height using yoga techniques and other related exercises, you should check out the ebook, Grow Taller 4 Idiots.
In the book you will find very thorough explanations of how yoga and other forms of exercise can help you grow and which exercises, including these three, will give you the best results.
Sticking to an exercise program like that in Grow Taller 4 Idiots, may be all that is standing in your way from gaining several more inches.

Exercises 01

3 Effective Stretching Exercises To Increase Height
in Exercises

If you are one of those people who is worried by your size and always looking for a way to increase your height help is finally here!
One of the most effective means to increase your height is through a carefully carried out height increase exercises program which is designed to strengthen core muscles, improve posture and also encourage your body to increase the levels of growth hormone it releases in to your blood stream.
It is a well proven fact that exercises of high intensity such as anaerobic activities like cycling, sprinting or swimming can have a huge impact on your body’s production of growth hormones.
Another significantly better grow taller exercise for you to carry out which will also produce results is stretching and this is what we are going to focus on in this article.
The primary aim of a stretching program is to mimic the conditions that are seen in other resistance based exercises such as weight lifting and resistance training. The effect of this is stronger back and abdominal muscles.
Why is this a positive thing?
Well quite simply put stronger muscles reduce the compression of invertebral discs. This has the effect of thickening cartilage in your spinal column thereby lengthening the spinal column and increasing your height naturally.
A good program should include a variety of exercises that will move your body through a full range of motion. This helps your body become more flexible and makes the bone and cartilage more receptive to growth.
This article will provide you with the basics of three stretching exercises to increase height that will strengthen and lengthen your body. These following three grow taller exercises are very effective and should be an important part of your exercise program.

Hanging - One of the biggest obstacles to growing taller is gravity. You spend most of your day in an upright, vertical position. All day long gravity compresses your spine and joints, which squeezes and thins the cartilage and makes you shorter.

However, it is easy to counteract this affect through a simple hanging exercise because it lets the weight of your lower torso stretch your spine and reduce the tension between your vertebrae.
In fact, hanging has been known to increase a person’s height by one to two inches.
You will want to have a horizontal bar that is high enough so that your body can fully extend. If your body cannot fully extend, then bend your knees slightly until you hang freely.
When you grasp the bar, make sure your palms are facing away from you and your thumbs are almost touching.
While you are hanging, try to keep your arms, shoulders, and hips are relaxed as possible. This helps gravity pull on your body even further. Try to hang for at least 20 seconds and repeat the process when you are able to grip the bar again.
You should also repeat this exercise a minimum of three times. Also, if you wear ankle weights while hanging you will get an increased benefit.

Dry Land Swim - Also known as the Alternate Leg Kick, this exercise focuses on your lower back. You will want to start this exercise by laying down flat on your stomach with your body fully extended.

Put your arms straight out in front of you with your palms toward the floor. Raise your left arm higher than your right arm. Then, keep your legs straight and lift your right leg off the ground as far as you can.
Try to hold that position for at least 4 seconds before gently lowering your leg and raising the other leg. Your goal should be to work up to holding the position for 20 seconds. Also, adding wrist and ankle weights to your workout will increase resistance and tone your lower back muscles even more.

Pelvic Shift - This exercise is a favourite of fitness instructors all over. It is simple, but you will quickly feel the stretching that occurs up and down your spine and in your hips.

You will want to begin the exercise by lying on your back with your shoulders and arms planted firmly on the floor. Bend your knees and draw your feet as close to your buttock as you can. Next, arch your back so that your pelvis thrusts upward.
Hold this position for at least 20 seconds and try to work up to holding it for 30 seconds. As you repeat this move, you should feel more and more stretching in your front hips.
It is always a good idea to check with your doctor before beginning any exercise regiment to make sure your body is healthy enough for this activity.
Strenuous exercises, like these grow taller exercises to increase height, should be done consistently but you should start slowly if you are a beginner. You can increase the intensity of your workout as your body becomes accustomed to each new exercise.
When you develop a disciplined grow taller exercise program, you will help you body raise and sustain the levels of growth hormone in your body. Therefore, the more effectively and regularly you exercise the better your chance to increase your height.
The height exercises discussed in this article will help you start a good exercise program. However, the ebook Grow Taller 4 Idiots will give you a more in-depth look at these height increasing exercises and many more that will help you reach your full height potential.
With help from Grow Taller 4 Idiots you will be able to create the height increase exercise regiment that is just right for your body.

How to Become Taller Naturally - 3 Back Exercises

How to Become Taller Naturally - 3 Back Exercises
in Exercises
If you have been looking for ways to become taller, then you probably already know how important exercise is. However, it is important that your exercises focus on the parts of your body that have the most potential to grow.
Furthermore, you must carefully plan and perform the better grow taller exercises which give those body parts more of what they need to grow.
Your back is quite literally the foundation on which your body is built. Your back, more specifically your spinal column, allows you to hold yourself upright and supports all of your activity.
Your back is a complex structure that makes up for a substantial portion of your overall height. Therefore, the health of your back and spine can have the most impact on your current and potential height.
Your spine basically consists of three components. Your vertebrae are the 33 sections of bone in your spine. Your vertebrae essentially stop growing after adolescence, so it is important that we focus on the two other components of your spine, the muscles and cartilage, which have the most potential to grow.
In between your vertebrae are intervertebral discs made of cartilage that act as shock absorbers for the vertebrae and gives your spine flexibility. Your activity and tension during the day can grind down the cartilage, squeezing nutrients out of the discs and compressing them.
On the other hand, when you stretch out your spine you give your cartilage the opportunity to soak up fluid from your system and thicken. This thickening makes you taller.
The muscles in your back maintain your posture, the curve of your spine, and support movement. If your back muscles are weak it can lead to poor posture.
If you have poor posture that you are greatly hurting your efforts to become taller. First, people with poor posture normally appear several inches shorter than they actually are.
Secondly, poor posture puts more pressure on your spine’s cartilage and compresses the intervertebral discs.
If you want to know how to become taller naturally, then you must learn how to exercise your back so that it prevents this compression and promotes good posture.
The muscles that support your spine must be strengthened to resist the daily strain which compresses your spine. Also, your spine itself must be stretched to the full extent to make it more flexible which accelerates the regeneration and thickening of the cartilage.
There are many exercises that will help your back become stronger. However, this article will teach you three exercises that will give you optimum results.

Double Forward Bend - The Double Forward Bend puts resistance on both your back and your hamstrings. This pressure pulls your spine, which stretches your entire spinal column and accelerates decompression which is how to become taller naturally.

Start by sitting on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you and your hands on your hips. Stretch your arms out in front of you and bend forward as you try to touch your toes.
Although you may not be able to touch your toes at first, doing this stretch regularly will make your body more flexible and you will soon find that you can easily grab your toes.
This increased flexibility is a major step to becoming taller . You will want to repeat this move 5 times using both hands. Next, spread your feet apart a few inches and then stretch by alternating one hand at a time, touching your right foot with your left hand and your left foot with your right hand.
You should also repeat this stretch with each hand at least 5 times.

Backward Bend - The Backward Bend, also known as the Roll Over Stretch, is one of the better exercises to become taller. This exercise forces your spine to reach a maximum curvature which frees the cartilage to begin thickening and helping you become taller fast

To begin this move, find a firm surface and lay flat on your back with your arms extended towards your feet and palms on the floor.
Keep your feet together as you raise your legs over your head. Your goal is to have your toes touch the floor behind your head. Push off the floor with your palms to give you the power to lift your legs over your head and raise your hips off the floor.
You may not be able to touch the floor at first, but you should work toward that goal without over-exerting yourself. After your toes touch the ground, or have reached as far as possible, then bring your legs back to your starting position in a gentle, controlled manner.
You should repeat this exercise at least 5 times.

The Cobra - This next exercise, called the Cobra or Bhujangasana, is a two stage exercise that stretches your spine but also tones the essential support muscles in your back and arms.

In the first stage of this exercise, lay on your stomach with your legs together.
Your arms should be close to your sides and your hands by your chest.
Slowly arch your back so that you head and chest are raised as high as they will go, with your heart and chest pushed outward.
Make sure to keep your buttock muscles tense to protect your lower back.
Take several deep breaths and then gently lower yourself back into your starting position.
You should repeat this step as much as you need to prepare for the next stage. In the next stage, do this movement again but when your head reaches its peak height raise yourself up onto your arms which will increase the stretching in your back.
You should stretch as far as you can without discomfort, but make sure you keep your pelvis on the floor. Once again, take several deep breaths and then slowly come back down to your starting position before repeating the movement.
Because your spine is such a major factor in your height and activity, it is important that you keep it healthy. It is always a good idea to check with your physician before you begin any exercise program, including back exercises.
Once you have been cleared for this type of workout, make sure you perform back exercises, like these three, that will best benefit your spine and help you become taller.
If you would like to learn more about how back exercises, and many other exercises, can help you fulfill your growth potential then check out the ebook Grow Taller 4 Idiots.
Grow Taller 4 Idiots is a great resource for anyone looking to become taller naturally. The book will give you a more profound understanding of what factors inhibit growth.
More importantly it will teach you how exercises, such as the back exercises discussed here, can help you overcome these obstacles and make yourself taller.

Monday, May 25, 2009


How to Naturally Increase your Height 2-3 Inches within 7 Weeks
How to Naturally Increase Your HeightIntroduction

This book is for any young person who wants to add an
extra few inches to his or her height. Or perhaps you want
your kids to be tall. This book was especially made to help
add an extra few inches to growing children above and
beyond what nature will do for them.

There are a lot of factors that come into play when it comes
to height. Genetics is the main factor. Since we can‘t do
anything about that, we will not address that part of it.

However, the good news is that you can add up to 2 inches
(5 cm) in most cases to your natural height. More dedicated
people can even add up to 4 OR MORE inches (10 cm) to
their height.

If you will just give us about 20-45 minutes a day for 5 days
a week, you will gain height. If you can give us 45-75
minutes a day for 6-7 days a week, you can gain up to 2
inches (5 cm) in height within a few weeks.

Yes, you do have to have some dedication. The things you
need to do to gain this height aren‘t particularly hard. In
fact, most of them are quite easy to do. What you put into
this endeavor is what you will get out of it. Dedication,
persistence, and enthusiasm are the key factors.

A lot of the activities and exercises can be included in your
normal daily routine. You can use the exercises and
stretches as part of your workout routine. You can even do
the stretches while you watch TV.

Can you expect to gain height fast? Well, some people have
gained over an inch in height within 2 weeks using the
exercises and stretches we outline in this book. So it is

What if you can‘t do all or some of the exercises? We give
you a basic program that you can follow. The beauty in it is
that we give you a base to start from. You can adjust it to
your schedule, time constraints, athletic ability, and

We want you to succeed. To succeed we know you have to
be dedicated and persistent. You have to have enthusiasm
when you are doing this. For that we have a flexible
program in which you can add your own input into it.
However, we must caution, please follow our general

A lot of people fail at gaining height simply because they
start off with an abundance of enthusiasm and energy only
to quit within 3 weeks because they over did it.

Another reason people fail is because they don‘t make a
routine of this. They are sporadic in doing this. If you are
going to skip days, please make sure they are scheduled to
be off days. Try to make your height increasing routine a
habit, just like eating and sleeping. Now let‘s get tall.