Thursday, September 27, 2012


Background Information

So what are the major factors when it comes to height and
gaining height:

• Genetics
• Nutrition
• Human Growth Hormone
• Exercises
• Growth Plates
• Sleep
• Deep Breathing
• Massage

What you can‘t control.

You can‘t control your genetics.

You can‘t change or control when your growth plates fuse
up and close, either. Usually this happens around the age of
24. You can still grow after that, but it is a lot harder. You
will gain at most 2 inches (5 cm) of height after your growth
plates fuse together.

Two inches is still a lot of height gained. So don‘t be too
worried about your growth plates.

This is what we will focus on in this book and what you can

We can show you how to help boost your Human Growth
Hormone production to help prime your body to grow. Sleep
is tied into this.

We can help you understand the importance of deep
breathing and a certain area that needs to be massaged.
You can mix and match the exercises you use in this
program, but you will have to do the massage and the deep

We will show you the proper nutrition you will need as well
as a secret, yet common, food that some of the tallest
people in the world eat.

Finally, you have total control of the exercises you can
choose or not choose to grow tall. As you can see, there are
plenty of factors in growing taller that you have control of.

The exercises in this program will target your spinal column
and your legs.

View the original article here

You Grow Taller During Sleep

Believe it or not each time you go to bed your body will grow by almost an inch during the course of the night! Hard to believe? Yes it is but it’s true, this really does happen each and every day. Let me explain how this works:
Your spinal column is made up of a collection of 33 separate small pieces of bone which are more commonly known as vertebrae. These vertebrae are the core strength in your spinal column.
Each one of these is connected to the next using tough tissues known as ligaments, which allow the vertebrae to be connected without having to be fused together. It also allows for a certain degree of movement which is why we are able to bend our backs somewhat.
Between each of these vertebrae we have a set of thin disc like pieces also known as the invertebral discs. These discs are made from cartilage and their main function is to act as a soft cushioning pad between each vertebrae.
The invertebral discs also act as a small set of shock absorbers which provide protection to the vertebrae should you take a knock or fall. This means your back is less easily damaged in your everyday life.
As a general rule the complete set of vertebrae discs account for around about a quarter of your vertebral column, normally around 6 inches. This basically means that the thicker these invertebral discs are, the longer your whole spinal column will be and therefore the taller you will become.
So how can you grow taller during sleep?
Well the invertebral discs we just mentioned also have a function to absorb nourishment in the form of fluid. During your everyday life you are likely to be placing a good deal of weight on these for a sustained period of time.
As they become compressed you lose some of the thickness in the discs.
However when you undertake non weight bearing activities such as lying down or sleeping, the pressure is reduced and the discs are able to then soak up more nutrients, expand in size and therefore you will grow taller to around an inch more during sleep!
Unfortunately however this is not a permanent effect as the following day will lead to the cycle starting over again, the weight compression of your activities will press down on the invertebral discs and once again lead to the average human adult losing that inch of height once again.
This is how you can grow taller during sleep, but don’t forget that there are ways to permanently increase your height too!

View the original article here

Target Height Growth Through Posture Improving Exercises

Posture is one of the biggest influences on human height growth and back health. If you want to achieve your full height potential, it is important that you maintain good posture throughout all of your activity.
Making a conscious effort to stand up straight is, of course a good way to have good posture. However, performing regular posture improvement and height growth exercises will help your body have better posture naturally.
To help you better understand why posture plays such an important role in your height, you need to know a little bit about the structure of your spine.

Your spine is naturally “S” shaped and when you are standing, a correctly aligned spine will appear as if a string is running straight through your body from the crown of your head, down the center of your torso, and into your heels.
This makes your body stand as tall as possible. When you have poor posture, a portion of your back is curved too much in one direction.
For example, people who tilt their pelvis too forward can develop a “swayback” that slumps their body. When your body slumps in this manner it puts stress on your back and wears down the discs in your spine, decreasing your height.
In fact, many people with poor posture are one to two inches shorter than their real height.
You should always try to maintain good posture in any position. If your back, neck, and other related muscles are not in shape then you will find that you have to make more of an effort to do so.
However, if you strengthen these relevant muscles you will have a natural ability to resist the tendency to slump and fight the pressure put on your spine that causes you to become shorter.
In the following paragraphs, you can learn about three height growth exercises designed to help you improve your posture.
1) The first exercise is called Bowing Down to Yourself. It is one of simplest height growth exercises and you can do it almost anywhere. This move improves your posture, and also stretches out the muscles in your upper back.
Sit down into a chair and keep your back straight and head facing forward. Keep your feet flat on the floor. Slowly lower your chin to your chest and take three long breaths before raising your head back to the starting position. Repeat this movement as necessary.
2) The Bowing Down to Yourself exercise should be followed by the Ear to Shoulder. Like the previous exercise, this will help improve your posture and stretch your upper back muscles.
This movement especially stretches the muscles that run along the sides of your upper spine and neck which helps hold your neck and head in a position of good posture and increase height growth .
Sit in the same position as before, with your spine straight and feet flat on the ground. Take a deep breath and when you exhale roll your right ear towards your right shoulder.
Take another deep breath and as you exhale roll your chin to your chest. On the next deep breath, exhale and roll your left ear to your left shoulder. Finally, take another deep breath and exhale as you roll your chin back to your chest.
All of your movements should be steady and slow and you should inhale deeply. Repeat this set at least 3 more times.
3) As you perform the next exercise, called the Turkey Stretch, you will be able to feel the stretching and lengthening along the back of your neck. Because your neck is such an important factor in good posture, this exercise is great to increase height growth, and general fitness.
Once again, you should keep your spine straight and feet flat while you sit in a chair. Act as if there were a string pulling up the crown of your head to make you as tall as possible.
Focus your eyes on the area in front of your nose and raise your hand to your chin. Take a deep breath in, rest your hand on your chin and then begin to breathe out slowly.
As you exhale, lightly push your chin into your neck until you feel the stretching on the back of your neck. When you finish exhaling stop and then repeat the set, you should do this at least 3 more times.
These three posture exercises are a great start to improving your posture and your back’s overall fitness. These grow taller exercises should be done in conjunction with other posture exercises that work out the other parts of your back as well.
Additionally, you should develop a well-rounded program that includes many different types of human height growth exercises to make sure you give your body the stretching and flexibility it needs to lengthen.
The ebook, Grow Taller 4 Idiots, gives a better explanation of the importance of a good, natural height growth exercise program. In the book, you will read more about how exercises such as these posture exercises, promotes growth and many more examples of exercises you should include in your program.
The book will give you the advice you need to build a strategic exercise program that will give your body the optimum results. Furthermore, Grow Taller 4 Idiots is full of really helpful additional height growth tips such as nutrition and how to overcome the obstacles that limit human height growth

View the original article here

How to Grow Taller Naturally?

A major medical breakthrough in Science has enabled a team of expert scientists and doctors to create a formula that has been designed specifically to make you grow taller. We have spent the last 5 years developing this unique product with a team of experts with a combined 50 years experience in the Dietary Supplement business. GrowthMAX Plus® has been clinically tested and the results have far exceeded our expectations. Our products are manufactured in a GMP Certified and FDA inspected lab guaranteeing that the efficacy, potency, and quality are held to the highest standards.Our height can be influenced by many factors such as lack of exercise, malnutrition, or a failure of the body to produce proper levels of growth hormones. The pituitary gland, which is based in your central nervous system, releases proteins that help your body to grow and your cells to regenerate. As you grow older, this gland is no longer stimulated to produce human growth hormone like it used to, and your body stops growing or may even begin to shrink. Your height is strongly influenced by the effects of these growth hormones. Especially on the development of the 26 skeletal bones and the cartilageneous portions of the 62 bones of the lower body. The natural ingredients in GrowthMax Plus® cause the stimulation of the pituitary gland, which in turn increases human growth hormone production, and this spurs the growth of the cartilageneous portions of the bones of the lower body, ultimately leading to an increase in height by 2-6 inches.

View the original article here

Growing Taller Nutrition Part 6 – Water

As you are probably aware that water is the foundation for life and is the basic essential element of our bodies.
In fact around 80% of our body is made up of water! It is used in every single process that take place both internally and externally from operating our organs to moisturizing our skin and maintaining muscle structure too.
Water is also use in the synovial fluids that lubricate our joints and allow them to move freely every day.
It is difficult for us to understand just how crucial water is to our survival, but when you consider that a human can generally survive for several weeks without food, but can only survive for a matter of two days without water, it helps to emphasize its importance in our lives.
It is recommended that we consume around 1.5 litres of water each and every day. This can be made up of other fluids such as tea, coffee and juice drinks, but it is critical we do not let our bodies become dehydrated.
What we need to remember is that for our bodies to function properly it needs to be adequately hydrated, which means that without water, the processes which use growth hormones to allow us to grow taller cannot take place.
This means that water is a very important factor we need to include in our grow taller nutrition plan.
Don’t forget, it is very difficult to drink too much fluid as our bodies will simply pass it through as urine, which means we can make certain we consume enough fluid each and every day without the risk of it becoming a health problem.
Remember, to grow taller our bodies will need all the nutrients it can get, and water is the basis for consuming these and helping to transport them around your body too.
These fluids can be consumed as one of the following: plain water from a safe drinking source, juice from fresh squeezed fruits or bottled juices, warm drinks such as tea or coffee but beware of taking in too much caffeine as it could lead to headaches and restlessness.
Alcoholic drinks do not qualify as fluid intake as the diuretic effect they have actually means that nutrients are washed from your body and you will lose fluids too.

View the original article here


Height Statistics

Did you know that the country with the tallest people
overall is the Netherlands? The males average 6 feet (183
cm) and the females average just over 5 feet, 7 inches (170

The average American male height is 5 feet, 9 inches (175
cm) while females average 5 feet, 4 inches (163 cm).

The Dutch may have the tallest country, but the tallest
people in the world reside in an Eastern European republic
called Montenegro which is part of the country of Serbia and
Montenegro. The former Yugoslavia. If Montenegro were it‘s
own country, it would have the tallest people in the world.
And the Dutch wouldn‘t even be close.

The average male in Montenegro is 6 feet, 3 inches (191
cm). The females average just under 5 feet, 11 inches (180
cm). The average female there is taller than the average
American male.

There are over 5.5 million American males that are 6 feet, 2
inches (188 cm) or taller.

1 in 7 American males is 6 feet (183 cm) or taller, about
15% of the population. 1 in 2 Dutch males is 6 feet or taller,
50% of the population.

There are over 1.5 million American females 5 feet, 9 inches
(175 cm) or taller.

The average Japanese male is 5 feet, 5 1/8 inches (165 cm)

Each generation seems to be getting taller. The main factor
in that is nutrition.

Since poor people hundreds of years ago and even a few
generations ago had poor unbalanced diets that lacked what
they needed to grow properly, they in effect stunted their
own growth. This brought down the average height for most

It is general knowledge that wealthier people are on
average a couple inches taller than poorer people based
solely on nutrition.

Generations ago, the differences in height between wealthy
and poor were even more pronounced since poor people
had such horrible diets. The gap in nutrition between
wealthy and poor has closed significantly in recent

The height gap has also closed but has not completely
caught up. Wealthy people are still taller and that can be
attributed to genetics. Over the years they built up a
genetic height advantage based mainly on their diets.

Why do some wealthy nations such as Japan and other
Asian nations still lag in their height? A lot of that has to do
with the types of food they traditionally eat. Although the
Japanese are still way shorter than Americans and
Europeans, they are slowly catching up and growing at a
faster rate.

The reason? Their diets are changing. The Japanese have
recently passed the Chinese and for the first time in history
they are now taller than the Chinese.

View the original article here

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Grow taller05

Exercises for Spine Lengthening

The exercises which will be used to lengthen your spine
include the following:

• Stretches
• Hanging
• Swimming



Lie on the floor face down with palms on the floor under
your shoulders. Begin to arch your spine up leading with
your chin. Arch as far back as possible. Each repetition
should last between 5-30 seconds.

Super Cobra

Start with your arms perpendicular to the floor, and the
spine arched (the end position of the cobra). Now bend your
hips and bring your body up into an inverted ”V‘ position.

While you are doing that, tuck your chin against your chest.
Return to the original position. Each repetition should last
between 10-20 seconds.

View the original article here

3 Ab Exercises To Get Taller

How to Get Taller Naturally? - 3 Ab Exercises To Get Tallerin Exercises
If you want to know how to get taller fast, then you should know that most of the muscles in your body have an impact on your height.
Therefore, it is important that you have a well-rounded exercise program that affectively works out each important muscle.
This article will teach you about the significance of your abdominal muscles and how a good ab exercise program is one of the major ways to get taller naturally.
Strong abdominal muscles help you get taller in two ways. First, it is known that the strength of your abdominal muscles directly corresponds to the strength of the muscles in your lower back.
These lower back muscles are critical to good posture. It they are weak, and your abs are weak, you will have poor posture which can actually decrease your height. Also, strong lower back muscles help your spine stay flexible which is a key to growth.
Second, working out your abdominal muscles helps you shed extra weight in your abdomen that normally pulls on your back and increases poor posture.
In this article, we will focus on three grow taller exercises that target your lower and middle abdominal muscles. It is important that these exercises be incorporated into a larger abs program so that all of your abdominal muscles are strengthened. Remember, if you have strong abdominal muscles then you will also have a strong back.

View the original article here

Growth Hormone

Growth Hormone: Grow Taller SupplementsGrowthMAX Plus® is 100 % safe and natural and it is the safest way to increase your heightAs shown in the above human growth hormone chart, at age 15, the average person's HGH levels are sitting around 1000ug. By the age of 25, however, HGH levels have typically plummeted down to just 500ug -- a mere 50% of their prime levels. However, this Growth Hormone decline can be fully avoided by using GrowthMax Plus®, which will definitely help you grow taller naturally by simulating the pituitary gland to encourage the release of growth hormone for human growth. Thus, helping you grow taller in a totally safe, easy and convenient way.How Does GrowthMAX Plus® Work?GrowthMax Plus® makes you grow taller by using all natural ingredients to make your body respond with an increase in growth hormone production. These hormones will lengthen the cartilage between each vertebrae in your spine, making it longer and increasing your height. They will also help to strengthen and thicken the cartilage in your joints, including your knees. Over time, the cartilage will be replaced with the calcified bone matrix. This will add to your body’s ability to respond to stress and injury. The length of the spine in the upper part of the body is what makes a person taller or shorter and contributes to over a third of a person’s height. There are over thirty individual bones in a person’s spine which are held together by tissue known as a ligament. Only the two that sit lowest in the spine are immoveable as these are what form the back of the pelvis. All of the other bones are always moveable and so are not fused together. The formula in Growthmax Plus® works by lengthening the discs between each bone, or vertebrae, which increases the entire length of the spinal column and so increases height in the process. The cartilage in a person’s body can grow, thicken, adapt and remodel. Furthermore, Growthmax Plus® strengthens and thickens the cartilage in the body’s joints which further adds to the increase in height.

View the original article here

grow taller 10

W all Stretch

Standing up against a wall, reach your hands up as high as
possible while getting on you tip toes. Keep your spine flat
against the wall as much as possible. Each repetition should
last between 4-6 seconds. This stretch is harder than it
looks because you are keeping your spine flat against the

Basic Twist

Standing with your arms straight out at shoulder level, twist
your upper body to the left and right while your legs and
hips remain still. The twist to each side should last between
2-4 seconds.

Super Stretch #2

Standing up, face 4 inches (10 cm) from a wall, reach as far
up onto the wall as possible getting on your tip toes. Each
repetition should last about 3-5 seconds.

1 Straight Leg Up

Lying on your stomach with your hands behind your neck,
raise one of your legs as high and as far up as possible.
Now repeat with the other leg. Keep your legs straight.

Each repetition should last between 3-5 seconds.

Touch Toes

Standing with your hands high above your head, bend over
and touch your toes. Keep your legs as straight as possible.
You can bend your knees a little if need be. Each repetition
should last between 2-3 seconds.

Bar Twist

Standing with a broom or bar way over your head, twist to
your left and right. Twist to one side and stretch, then twist
to the other side and stretch. You should hold each
repetition on each side for 3-4 seconds.

2 Straight Leg Ups
Lying face down with your palms down and on the sides,
raise both your legs up together as high as possible. Keep
your feet together. Each repetition should last 3 seconds.

The Bowl

Lying face down, raise both your arms and legs up at the
same time. Each repetition should last 3 seconds.

The Skier

Standing with your legs 3 feet (1 m) apart and your arms
raised over your head as high as possible, bend forward at
your waist and push your arms through your legs. Each
repetition should last about 5 seconds.

Upper Body Slant

Sitting on the edge of a slant board with your legs straight,
lean back as far as possible so that your upper body is
completely off of the slant board. If you don‘t have a slant
board, you can easily create one with a board and a bucket.

Each repetition should last 4-5 seconds.

Lower Body Slant

With your upper body lying on a straight bench and your
butt on it while your legs are completely straight, lean your
upper body forward and bring your nose to your knees.

Each repetition should last between 4-5 seconds.

Sky Stretch

Kneel on the floor with your body straight and your hands
against your thighs. Bring your neck and head forward and
tuck your chin to your chest. Then bring your neck and head
as far back as possible while you arch your spine. Each
repetition should last between 6-8 seconds.

View the original article here

Tips To Grow Taller – Increase Height By Boosting HGH Levels

If you are of a shorter stature then you are probably always looking for great information and tips to grow taller. There are excellent ebooks available that give you height increasing tips regarding exercise, diet, sleep, and many other related topics.
For you to better understand how take advantage all of this information, you need to understand what makes your body grow and how you can use it to your advantage.
Even before you are born, your body is in a rapid state of growth. It stays in a state of growth, usually occurring in spurts, until puberty is complete.
After puberty, you will naturally grow slightly more until about age 30. This growth is a result of Human Growth Hormone, or HGH.
HGH is composed of a complex set of amino acids and is released into your bloodstream by your endocrine system, specifically your pituitary gland. Once in your bloodstream, your brain signals your body to begin using the HGH.
HGH serves many functions. It helps your body turn fat into energy needed for growth. It triggers regeneration and enlargement of organs and muscles.
Most importantly with relevance to height, HGH directs your bones to increase in size and strength. One of the best tips to increase height is to learn how to get your body to make more HGH and how to prepare your body to use the HGH more effectively.
Your brain controls when and how much HGH is released into your system. One of the best tips on how to grow taller is that if you will want to trigger your brain to release more HGH.
Also, you will want to stimulate your brain to use that HGH for growth and not just for repair. Training your brain in this manner means that you have to carefully focus and discipline yourself in several areas of your life.
Sleep is essential to increasing your HGH and therefore growth. This is the peak time when your brain releases HGH and begins to use it within your body.
Of the many tips for growing taller, getting enough sleep is very important. You need to have enough sleep time for your body to unwind from the day’s activities and begin the restoration and growth process.
If you get too little sleep, you will not give your body enough time to release, circulate, and use the HGH in your system. If you are chronically sleep-deprived your brain will be too distracted to focus on growing at all.
However, if you create a good sleep environment where you can get at least 8 hours of deep sleep, you are giving your brain the biggest incentive to release increased quantities of HGH and make you grow.
Eating right is another one of the important height increase tips. As we discussed earlier, HGH is made from amino acids. Amino acids are derived from protein which you must supply your body in order to boost your HGH levels.
You need to have protein in good proportions if you expect to grow. However, protein alone will not make you grow. Fats, Carbohydrates, Vitamins, and Minerals are all apart of good nutrition. Each of these items, in the right amounts, will compliment each other to help release more HGH and build a taller, stronger you.
Furthermore, you must monitor when you eat. If you eat too much food too late in the day, it will keep your body focused on digestion all night instead of releasing HGH.
On the other hand, if you eat smaller meals throughout the day, you will be giving your body just the right amount of the nutrients it needs to release the optimum amounts of HGH.
Another one of the better height increase tips available to produce extra HGH is to develop an effective grow taller exercise program. Scientific studies have shown that the brain releases a larger quantity of HGH after aerobic exercises.
However, you need to prepare your body for growth so that your body does not use the HGH for simply repairs. If you follow up your higher impact exercises with an anaerobic routine, the stretching will help your muscles and cartilage decompress.
This will make it more receptive to the HGH and help trigger growth.
Your body is a very complex machine, so there are many different ways to increase your levels of HGH. Exercise, diet, and sleep play a major role in how much HGH is released in your system and how it is used, but so do many other factors. You must overcome all of these factors before you will be able to best increase and use HGH.
The ebook Grow Taller 4 Idiots can offer you very good tips to grow taller by increasing your levels of HGH. Not only can the book teach you to boost your levels of HGH, it can help you get your body prepared to use the HGH for growth.
The book will help you set up an ideal sleep environment and give you some relaxation techniques so that your body can produce the most HGH during your rest. Also, there are great tips to grow taller by using diet and nutrition to increase your HGH.
Furthermore, the book will help you set up a complete exercise program that helps you maximize the HGH in your system. Finally, Grow Taller 4 Idiots will help you understand the other factors that affect your body’s production and utilization of HGH.
If you use these tips to increase height and boost your levels of HGH, you will be giving your body the building blocks it needs to grow.

View the original article here

grow taller 06

Cat Stretch

Get on your hands and knees with your arms locked out.
Inhale as you flex your spine down and bring your head up.
Exhale as you bring your spine up into an arched position
while bringing your head down. Each repetition should last
between 3-8 seconds.

Basic Leg Stretch

Sitting down, spread your legs far apart. Reach for your
toes. Try to keep your knees as straight as possible. Now
move into reaching for the toes on the other leg. Be sure to
keep your spine straight and move from your hips. Do not
arch the upper spine. This stretch works both your spine
and legs. Each repetition should last between 6-15 seconds.

View the original article here

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Leg Raise

Leg Raise - The Leg Raise or Hip Up is a great follow up to the Lower Ab Crunch as you do your get taller exercises. It will further strengthen your lower back as it tones the muscles in your abdomen.

While this is a rather uncomplicated exercise, you will quickly feel how effective it is at working out your abdominal and lower back muscles. You can remain on the floor or bench where you just performed the crunching exercise.
Extend your legs up so that they are perpendicular to your body. Then raise your hips about 3 to 5 inches off the ground by pushing up with your lower abs. Your feet should always remain straight while you are lifting.
Gently lower your hips back to the starting position and then repeat at least 15 times.

Side Crunch - The Side Crunch should be the next step in your abs exercise program. There is probably no better exercise to workout the muscles along your rib cage and those at the sides of your abdomen.

If these muscles are toned, then the corresponding muscles in your back will also be toned. You can remain on the floor or bench that you used for the previous two exercises.
Lie on your side with your arms holding onto the bench or a heavy object behind you, bend your knees. In a very controlled manner, bring your knees to your chest and then lower them back to the starting position.
Rotate to your other side and then repeat the movement. You should repeat this at least 15 times per side. Remember to limit your movement so that your hip flexors remain still, to increase the resistance and toning on your abs.
If you want to know how to get taller naturally by exercising your abs, then you should know that you have to exercise all of your ab muscles.
These three exercises are a good start to a solid ab exercise program, but you will need to follow up these with exercises which target your upper abs.
Furthermore, you need to incorporate aerobic, stretching and other exercises into your program in order to give your body the full workout it needs to grow.
The ebook Grow Taller 4 Idiots contains a very detailed exercise program that has been designed to help you get taller. Reading the book will help you better understand the role your abs play in good posture and growth.
Grow Taller 4 Idiots also recommends many other workouts, such as aerobic and stretching exercises to get taller, that you should incorporate into your program if you want to give your body the level of fitness it will need to grow.
A well-rounded exercise regiment is one of the most important steps you can take to a taller you.

View the original article here

Height Statistics01

Height Statistics

Did you know that the country with the tallest people
overall is the Netherlands? The males average 6 feet (183
cm) and the females average just over 5 feet, 7 inches (170

The average American male height is 5 feet, 9 inches (175
cm) while females average 5 feet, 4 inches (163 cm).

The Dutch may have the tallest country, but the tallest
people in the world reside in an Eastern European republic
called Montenegro which is part of the country of Serbia and
Montenegro. The former Yugoslavia. If Montenegro were it‘s
own country, it would have the tallest people in the world.
And the Dutch wouldn‘t even be close.

The average male in Montenegro is 6 feet, 3 inches (191
cm). The females average just under 5 feet, 11 inches (180
cm). The average female there is taller than the average
American male.

There are over 5.5 million American males that are 6 feet, 2
inches (188 cm) or taller.

1 in 7 American males is 6 feet (183 cm) or taller, about
15% of the population. 1 in 2 Dutch males is 6 feet or taller,
50% of the population.

There are over 1.5 million American females 5 feet, 9 inches
(175 cm) or taller.

The average Japanese male is 5 feet, 5 1/8 inches (165 cm)

Each generation seems to be getting taller. The main factor
in that is nutrition.

Since poor people hundreds of years ago and even a few
generations ago had poor unbalanced diets that lacked what
they needed to grow properly, they in effect stunted their
own growth. This brought down the average height for most

It is general knowledge that wealthier people are on
average a couple inches taller than poorer people based
solely on nutrition.

Generations ago, the differences in height between wealthy
and poor were even more pronounced since poor people
had such horrible diets. The gap in nutrition between
wealthy and poor has closed significantly in recent

The height gap has also closed but has not completely
caught up. Wealthy people are still taller and that can be
attributed to genetics. Over the years they built up a
genetic height advantage based mainly on their diets.

Why do some wealthy nations such as Japan and other
Asian nations still lag in their height? A lot of that has to do
with the types of food they traditionally eat. Although the
Japanese are still way shorter than Americans and
Europeans, they are slowly catching up and growing at a
faster rate.

The reason? Their diets are changing. The Japanese have
recently passed the Chinese and for the first time in history
they are now taller than the Chinese.

Nutrition and Supplements
Proper nutrition and supplements are important to growing
taller. Leaving them out and dismissing them as not as
important as the exercises would be a bad move. Nutrition
is the main reason why the Dutch are so tall and why the
Japanese have grown 3 inches (8 cm) in average height in
the last 50 years.

The heights of these people and the height increases tell us
a lot about the health and nutritional standards of these
people. The critical stages in growth are the first year of life
and during puberty. If you are well nourished and eat and
drink the right things, you will be setting yourself up to
grow taller and maximize your natural height.

The Japanese use to have a diet consisting mostly of rice
and corn and other high carbohydrate foods. The problem
with that is, protein is essential for growth and they had
very little of that. Since they are gradually eating a more
Western type of diet, they have been growing taller since
World War II.

You will want a diet that consists mainly of meat and dairy
products such as milk, eggs, cheeses, and yogurt. Did you
know that yogurt is reported to be a secret growth food of
the people of Montenegro?

One thing about the Western type of diet that you don‘t
want to include is a lot of saturated fats. 150 years ago,
North Americans were the tallest people in the world.

Even back as far to the year 1750, North Americans were
the tallest people with the average male being 5 feet, 8
inches (173 cm) tall. That was 2-3 inches (5-8 cm) taller
than the average North European male.

We have gotten taller, but the Dutch and Nordic countries
such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark have
passed us because they have a less fattening diet. They are
growing at a faster rate.

There are a few other reasons why we have been passed up
as well. In the past we had a lower population which helps
boost up the average height of a people. We were relatively
isolated and had less problems with diseases than
Europeans. We had a dietary advantage as well.

Now we have a population of over 280 million people to
spread the average height across. Over 10% of the
population is foreign born, usually from Third World nations
which have a worse diet than Americans. So these people
put a downward trend to our height average.

Look at the republic of Montenegro. They have about
600,000 people and are relatively isolated with a diet that
has a lot of dairy products in it. They are a hardy
mountainous people who keep fit.

They built up their genetics through diet and fitness over
the years while maintaining a low population. Even though
they are relatively poor, they have had fewer children. Since
having lots of people/children puts a downward trend on
heights, they essentially avoided that without knowing it.

When you spread out having a lot of kids over a population,
usually the poorer and generally speaking, shorter people
will have the majority of kids. Well, when you have less kids
and spread those kids across a smaller population of taller
people, the kids and the whole people become taller

This is what has happened in Montenegro. That is why the
average male is 6 feet, 3 inches (191 cm) there. They don‘t
have any secret exercises to become taller. You soon will

Now back to our comparisons of North America and
Northern Europe. We don‘t take care of our poor as well as
European countries. This hurts our average height because
their poor people are taller than our poor people.

When huge segments of the population lack proper nutrition
and proper medical care, they will have a hard time
reaching their maximum natural height. Also they have
smaller populations than the USA.

When a nation hurts itself nutritionally over a few
generations, most of the people won‘t reach their maximum
height. Eventually that will show up in the genetics of the

So it becomes a 1-2 punch. The good thing is, you can
overcome your genetics and usually add 2-4 inches (5-10
cm) to your height.

Now let‘s go to supplements.

The most important supplement you need is calcium. This is
the most important thing you will need for bone growth.
You will also need magnesium, chromium, and zinc. These
all play major parts in aiding bone growth.

The best sources for calcium and zinc are milk, yogurt,
eggs, and meat. The best source for chromium is meat. For
magnesium, it would probably be best to take it in pill form.

Here is an important side note. Magnesium helps you sleep
better which is when you do most of your growing. Milk
does as well. So consider drinking a glass of milk about 2
hours before bed.

Try to avoid calcium inhibitors such as soft drinks,
cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, refined sugars, and salt. If you
want to grow taller minimize the intake of them.

You will also need to drink a lot of water to keep your blood
thinned out and able to transport all the vitamins and
nutrients your muscles and bones will need to repair and
grow bigger and longer.

Human Growth Hormone and

Growth hormones are special hormones produced by special
cells in the endocrine glands, specifically the thyroid gland.
These hormones are produced in small amounts and are
sent into the bloodstream and target directly or indirectly
specific organs and tissues to help regulate growth and

Growth hormone instructs your skeletal bones and muscles
to grow stronger, bigger, and longer. If you have a lot of
growth hormone in your system, you can‘t help but get
bigger. If however you don‘t have enough growth hormone
in your body, it will be hard to grow. Your body can do only
so much with too little of it.

Glutamine is an amino acid that helps release growth
hormone. You may want to buy the supplement and
augment your exercise and nutritional program with it.

Now the good news is that you can naturally increase
growth hormone release through exercises, nutrition, and
proper sleep.

Intense exercises such as jumping and sprinting boost
growth hormone production.

Proper sleep is vital. The first 2 hours of sleep are when the
most growth hormone spills into your system. Not getting
enough sleep can lower the amount of growth hormone
your body produces. Get at least 8 hours of sleep.

Eating big meals with foods that have a high glycemic index
will force your body to produce a large amount of insulin to
help in digestion. This will effectively block out the flow of
growth hormone into your blood stream.

That is why a diet high in sugars and carbohydrates is bad
for growing taller. That is a big reason why Asians are
generally short. They eat way too many carbohydrates.

What is better is to have more meals with less
carbohydrates. The typical bodybuilder diet is a good
example to follow. Eating 5-7 small high protein meals is
the best way to keep your insulin levels low and your
growth hormone production high.

The intensity of your exercising has a lot to do with the
production of your growth hormone. If your exercising is of
lower intensity such as jogging, you will produce less
growth hormone as compared to sprinting.

A shorter more intense workout is better than a longer less
intense workout. Just remember there are numerous
factors into growing taller. Doing intense exercises will help
you in this quest, but it is not the only thing you have to do.

You will want to avoid eating any food or drinking any soft
drinks in the 2 hours before bed. This is critical because you
don‘t want any insulin surges before and during your sleep.

Remember, the first 2 hours of sleep are very important
because that is the time when your body produces and
releases the most growth hormone.

Consider drinking a glass of milk with a glutamine
supplement 2 hours before you expect to go to bed.

Now to the sleep part.

You will need 8 hours of sleep. You will need to sleep on a
firm mattress to help keep the spine straight.

You will need to either use a small pillow or no pillow at all.
Pillows hinder your breathing and take your neck out of
alignment with your spinal column.

You will need to sleep on your back and spread out. This
best stretches out and decompresses your spine. You must
stretch out.

One thing you can do is to raise the bottom part of your bed
where your feet are by 2-4 inches (5-10 cm) in height. This
way you use gravity to pull your spine up as opposed to
when you are standing and gravity pulls your spine down.

With your head below your heart, you will also allow gravity
to force better blood flow to your thyroid gland which can
help in the production of growth hormone.

View the original article here

grow taller 08

The Bow Down

Stand with your hands on your hips. Keep your hands on
your hips and bend forward as far as possible, leading with
your head. Don‘t bend your knees and keep your chin off of
your chest. Each repetition should last between 4-8

The Yawn

Standing up with hands held together behind your neck,
bend your head upwards and back as far as possible. Each
repetition should last 5-15 seconds.

Good luck and grow tall!!!

View the original article here

grow taller 11

Super Sky Stretch
On your knees with your arms stretched upwards and hands
together, lean your head and arms back as far as possible.
Each repetition should last about 5 seconds.

The Downhill

Standing with your hands together and arms behind you,
bend down at the waist as far as possible as you slowly
swing your arms as high as possible behind you.

Each repetition should last between 4-6 seconds.

Standing Table Hold

Standing with your hands holding a table and your upper
body horizontal to the table, have someone push against
your upper back as you stretch. Each repetition should last
10-15 seconds.

Bench Stretch

Sitting on a straight bench with your arms raised above
you, slowly lean back so that your upper body is off the
bench and horizontal to it.

Each repetition should last about 6 seconds.

Incline Upper Body Slant Stretch

Sitting on the upper part of an incline bench with your legs
straight and hand together behind your neck, lean back
over the edge as far as possible.

Each repetition should last 4-7 seconds.

The Acrobat

Lying on your back with your knees bent and hands next to
your head with the palms flat against the floor, push off
your feet and hands to raise yourself up as high as possible.
Each repetition should last about 8-15 seconds.


The section on swimming is going to be very brief and to
the point.

To lengthen your spine while swimming, you should
consider doing the breast stroke. It is the ideal stroke
because while your legs are kicking one way, your arms are
stretching you the other way. Since this is happening at the
same time, this helps lengthen your spine as opposed to
other swimming strokes.

The second reason swimming is good is because being in a
pool of water effectively neutralizes the effects of gravity on
your spine.


There is nothing complicated to hanging. It is just as you
thought it would be. No exciting secrets. You hang from a
bar. This helps to lengthen and straighten your spine. It is
tedious and can be tiring, but it works.

Each hanging repetition should last between 10 seconds and
as long as you can hold on for. You can hold on longer if
you use a pair of weightlifting wrist wraps. We highly
suggest that you use them.

We recommend that you hang at least 30 minutes a week.
If you can do more, even better.

Another thing to consider is that if you want your back and
shoulders to get wider and have that V-Taper, use a wider
grip. The wider the better. You can vary your hanging grips.

A wider grip is harder.

Hanging effectively decompresses the spine.

Exercises for Leg Lengthening

The exercises which will be used to lengthen your legs
include the following:

• Kicking
• Jumping
• Cycling
• Swimming
• Jumping Rope
• Sprints


Repeated kicking helps lengthen the shin and thigh bone.
Ever notice how kick-boxers have longer than average legs?

It‘s the same principle as far as baseball pitchers too.
Pitchers usually have a pitching arm that is 1-2 inches (2-5
cm) longer than their other arm. Same principle. Repetitive
stress forces the bones to lengthen due to the stress.

There are only 2 kicks you will have to do in this program.
The first one is the basic front snap kick. Just extend out
your leg and snap out a kick. The kick will be quick and not
go any higher than 2 feet (60 cm) off the ground.

Each kick will last less than 1 second. Do 20 kicks at a time
on each leg then switch to the other leg. Rest 30-60
seconds after you are done with 20 kicks for each leg. Then
repeat the process over again.

The second kick is a straight leg kick. The best way to
explain this is to pretend you are kicking or punting a
football or soccer ball. Kick as high as possible. Each kick
will last about 1.5 seconds.

Do 10 kicks at a time on each leg then switch to the other
leg. Rest 45-60 seconds after you are done with 10 kicks for
each leg. Then repeat the process over again.


There are 2 jumps in this program. The first jump is to jump
up onto a bench and jump back off. You can do this with
both legs or 1 leg at a time. You can get more done by
doing both legs at the same time.

These will be rapid jumps. Each jump will last less than 1
second. Do 10 jumps then rest 30 seconds.

The second jump will be to jump as high as you can. These
are more intense and require more resting. Do a jump then
rest 5-15 seconds depending on your fitness level.


For cycling to help your legs to get longer, you will have to
ride the bike with the seat raised 2-4 inches (5-10 cm)
higher than is comfortable for you. It will be hard at first to
ride a bike like this, but keep at it because it is one of the
best ways to force your legs to stretch and lengthen.

Do 20 minutes of this at a time. A stationary bike would be
ideal to use.


Again, do the breast stroke. Most people don‘t have regular
access to a swimming pool so don‘t be too concerned if you
have to leave this out of your program. If however you do
have access to a swimming pool, do 15-20 minutes of the
breast stroke over a period of 30 minutes.

Jumping Rope

Jumping rope puts a lot of stress on your shins if done
correctly. Provided you give your shins proper rest, this will
help you lengthen your legs. Jump with both of your legs at
the same time. Do at most 500 jumps in a session.


There are 2 reasons for doing sprints to get longer legs. The
first reason is that intense sprints increase the amount of
growth hormone released into your blood. This allows your
whole body to grow.

The second reason is that sprints are the best way to stress
your leg bones. Be careful when doing sprints because you
can easily develop shin splints if you overload yourself with
too many sprints and not enough rest.

For sufficient growth, you will only need to do 4-6 sprints of
40-60 yards 3 days a week. If because of weather you can‘t
do sprints, then switch to one of the other leg lengthening

Deep Breathing and Massage

Deep Breathing

Proper deep breathing is essential in allowing all of the
exercises in this program to work as efficient as possible for

The reason is that you want the proper oxygenation of your
blood to carry all the hormones and blood to where they
need to go. Deep breathing stimulates this. Shallow
breathing doesn‘t stimulate blood movement or the
oxygenation of blood.

When you are doing your stretches, practice deep breathing
during the stretches.

Now besides doing the deep breathing while stretching, you
will have to do it separately. There are 3 things you need to
concentrate on when doing deep breathing.

• Inhaling
• Holding
• Exhaling

You will inhale through your nose. You will hold with your
mouth. And then you will exhale out of your mouth.

Now there are 3 ways we want you to do the deep

1-1-1 You will inhale, hold, and exhale the same amount of
time. You will inhale for 5 seconds, you will hold for 5
seconds, and you will exhale for 5 seconds. Do at
least 10 of these each day. You can change the
amount in the times, but keep the ratio constant.

1-4-2 You will inhale 3 seconds, hold for 12 seconds, and
exhale for 6 seconds. Do at least 10 of these each
day. This targets your lymph system. You can change
the amount in the times, but keep the ratio constant.

The last deep breathing you will have to do is to inhale and
hold your breath for as long as possible. Then exhale. Do 5
of these each day.

If possible, try to spread these out throughout the day.


The pituitary gland in the endocrine system is the gland that
helps the thyroid control your hormones and growth rate.
This gland is located at the forward base of your brain.

You can help speed up slow growth by stimulating reflex
points in the body that have a special nerve connection to
the pituitary gland.

The main reflex point to massage is located on the pad of
your thumb. Use your other thumb to rub the pad in a
clockwise motion. Be very firm when doing this.

Massage each thumb pad for 2-3 minutes every day. You
don‘t even have to do it all in a row, you can break it up
and do it during TV commercial breaks if you want.

The second area you will massage is your whole neck. A lot
of people have their blood flow stagnate in their neck

By massaging it, you will give the blood a smoother passage
to your brain, thyroid, and pituitary gland, which will allow
for a more efficient distribution of your growth hormone.

To massage your neck, use your fingers and rub in a
circular motion all over your neck. Do this for 5 minutes. Be
sure to roll your neck a few times during and after the
massage. Since the thyroid is located in the front part of
your neck, put a lot of focus there.

Height Program

We understand that it is hard for most people to incorporate
a routine into their schedules over a period of time. It is not
necessary for you to do all or any of these exercises all

If you can do a little here and there throughout the day, you
will more likely stick with the program and grow taller. So it
may be hard to calculate how much time you devote each

On days that you have a block of time, please do some of
these exercises and stretches during that time. You should
be able to find a block of 20 minutes each day, but some
days you may not be totally motivated or into it.

Ideally, we‘d like you to do 45-75 minutes a day, 6 days a
week. If you have to break it up into 2-3 mini workouts to
get to 75 minutes, do it. If you miss a day or only do 20
minutes a day, don‘t worry too much about it. Just don‘t
make that a habit.

To make it easier on your schedule, consider breaking up
the parts of this program.

Do your stretches, kicking, and jumping while you are at
home. Perhaps schedule it while you watch TV. However,
just remember to concentrate when you are doing your

Do your breathing and massage right when you wake up in
the morning and right before you go to bed at night.

Throw in jumping rope when you can at home.

The sprints you can do near your house. Cycling you will
have to block out a time to do that. Hanging and swimming
you will probably have to find a gym unless you have a bar
and or swimming pool at home.

The main part of the program will be the things you can do
at home and in private.

The staple of this program will be stretching for your spine.
This will get you the quickest results. A lot of people have
gained an inch or more within 2 weeks of stretching. People
seem to underestimate stretching.

Stretching straightens out your spine. Just because you sit
or stand up straight doesn‘t mean your spine is straight. It
means you are sitting or standing up straight with a
somewhat crooked and arched spine.

That is not as tall as you can be no matter how straight you
think you are sitting or standing. But once you progress
with your stretches, you will straighten out your spine and
reach not only your full potential as it is now, but it will be
possible to lengthen your spine beyond just straightening it

You can add about 1-1.5 inches (2-4 cm) with the proper
straightening of the spine. You can also add an extra 1-1.5
inches by lengthening the spine even more by adding space
between each vertebrae and elongating your cartilage in the

The second most important component to this program is
kicking for your legs. Just to let you know, cycling with an
elevated seat will get you quicker results but we have to
assume you can‘t ride a bike or stationary bike consistently
enough each week for whatever reasons.

If you can ride a bike consistently, put more emphasis on it
over kicking. You can usually add an inch to your legs within
2.5 months with seat elevated bike riding.

The supplementary parts of this program include swimming,
sprints, jumping, jump rope, and hanging, not to mention
cycling. Besides cycling, hanging is the most important.

The priority in exercises should be in this order:

1. Stretching
2. seat elevated cycling
3. hanging
4. kicking
5. jumping
6. sprints
7. swimming
8. jumping rope

Here is the 6-day a week program:

25-30 minutes of stretching each day.

Choose 5 different stretches and concentrate on them. Have
at least 1 lying down stretch, 1 standing up stretch, and 1
twisting stretch each day. This will work your spine from a
bunch of different angles. Change at least 3 of the 5
stretches you do each week.

Rest 3-10 seconds between each stretch.

15-20 minutes of kicking each day.

Do the snap kick for 10-15 minutes of that time. Do the
straight leg kick for the rest of the time. Rest according to
our above outline in the kicking section.

5-10 minutes of hanging. Rest according to how you feel.
Rest long enough so that the next time you hang you can
do at least 10 seconds of hanging.

15-30 minutes of the rest of the exercises. Cycling gets
priority. Then jumps. If however you can cycle 6 days a
week for 20 minutes, then use kicking in this time period
and cycling as your staple leg lengthening exercise.

Mix and match what you do in this time to keep things
interesting and not so tedious. This way you will maintain
your enthusiasm, persistence, and dedication.

On top of those exercises, make sure to do a total of 10
minutes of deep breathing and 10 minutes of massaging
your thumb pads and neck each day.

Try to do 5 minutes of each when you wake up and 5
minutes of each before you go to bed.


As you can see, the process of increasing your height isn‘t
very hard. You can expect to grow at least an inch within 4
weeks. You have to be dedicated and not cheat yourself.

As a general rule, your spine should grow before your legs.
You can get about 2 inches (5 cm) of growth from your
spine and 2 inches from your legs.

The older you are, the harder it will be to grow because
your plates are fused together (or are in the process of
fusing together) and you produce less growth hormone.

This program would be ideal for a teenager that is still
growing because by doing this program they can add to
their growth spurt and even prolong it.

Don‘t just focus on the exercises. Remember that sleep and
nutrition are vital to this program. Don‘t cheat yourself out
of an extra inch or more by not getting enough sleep or
eating a bunch of junk food.

A lot of research was put into the components of this
program. We gave you a flexible and doable program.
Please follow the guidelines.

View the original article here

Side Crunch

Side Crunch - The Side Crunch should be the next step in your abs exercise program. There is probably no better exercise to workout the muscles along your rib cage and those at the sides of your abdomen.

If these muscles are toned, then the corresponding muscles in your back will also be toned. You can remain on the floor or bench that you used for the previous two exercises.
Lie on your side with your arms holding onto the bench or a heavy object behind you, bend your knees. In a very controlled manner, bring your knees to your chest and then lower them back to the starting position.
Rotate to your other side and then repeat the movement. You should repeat this at least 15 times per side. Remember to limit your movement so that your hip flexors remain still, to increase the resistance and toning on your abs.
If you want to know how to get taller naturally by exercising your abs, then you should know that you have to exercise all of your ab muscles.
These three exercises are a good start to a solid ab exercise program, but you will need to follow up these with exercises which target your upper abs.
Furthermore, you need to incorporate aerobic, stretching and other exercises into your program in order to give your body the full workout it needs to grow.
The ebook Grow Taller 4 Idiots contains a very detailed exercise program that has been designed to help you get taller. Reading the book will help you better understand the role your abs play in good posture and growth.
Grow Taller 4 Idiots also recommends many other workouts, such as aerobic and stretching exercises to get taller, that you should incorporate into your program if you want to give your body the level of fitness it will need to grow.
A well-rounded exercise regiment is one of the most important steps you can take to a taller you.

View the original article here

grow taller09

The Super Stretch

Standing up, reach your hands up as high as you can as you
lean slightly back. Feel the stretch in your lower spine. The
Super Stretch can be done standing up or lying down.

Because this stretch is easy and comfortable, we encourage
you to do this not only as part of a program but also at odd
times like when you are watching TV or lying in bed. Each
repetition should last between 4-7 seconds.

Hands on the Head Bow Down

Standing with your hands together behind your neck, bend
forward as far as possible. Lead with your head. Bring your
chin into your chest. Don‘t bend your knees. Each repetition
should last between 4-8 seconds.

View the original article here

Monday, September 24, 2012

grow taller 04

Nutrition and Supplements
Proper nutrition and supplements are important to growing
taller. Leaving them out and dismissing them as not as
important as the exercises would be a bad move. Nutrition
is the main reason why the Dutch are so tall and why the
Japanese have grown 3 inches (8 cm) in average height in
the last 50 years.

The heights of these people and the height increases tell us
a lot about the health and nutritional standards of these
people. The critical stages in growth are the first year of life
and during puberty. If you are well nourished and eat and
drink the right things, you will be setting yourself up to
grow taller and maximize your natural height.

The Japanese use to have a diet consisting mostly of rice
and corn and other high carbohydrate foods. The problem
with that is, protein is essential for growth and they had
very little of that. Since they are gradually eating a more
Western type of diet, they have been growing taller since
World War II.

You will want a diet that consists mainly of meat and dairy
products such as milk, eggs, cheeses, and yogurt. Did you
know that yogurt is reported to be a secret growth food of
the people of Montenegro?

One thing about the Western type of diet that you don‘t
want to include is a lot of saturated fats. 150 years ago,
North Americans were the tallest people in the world.

Even back as far to the year 1750, North Americans were
the tallest people with the average male being 5 feet, 8
inches (173 cm) tall. That was 2-3 inches (5-8 cm) taller
than the average North European male.

We have gotten taller, but the Dutch and Nordic countries
such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark have
passed us because they have a less fattening diet. They are
growing at a faster rate.

There are a few other reasons why we have been passed up
as well. In the past we had a lower population which helps
boost up the average height of a people. We were relatively
isolated and had less problems with diseases than
Europeans. We had a dietary advantage as well.

Now we have a population of over 280 million people to
spread the average height across. Over 10% of the
population is foreign born, usually from Third World nations
which have a worse diet than Americans. So these people
put a downward trend to our height average.

Look at the republic of Montenegro. They have about
600,000 people and are relatively isolated with a diet that
has a lot of dairy products in it. They are a hardy
mountainous people who keep fit.

They built up their genetics through diet and fitness over
the years while maintaining a low population. Even though
they are relatively poor, they have had fewer children. Since
having lots of people/children puts a downward trend on
heights, they essentially avoided that without knowing it.

When you spread out having a lot of kids over a population,
usually the poorer and generally speaking, shorter people
will have the majority of kids. Well, when you have less kids
and spread those kids across a smaller population of taller
people, the kids and the whole people become taller

This is what has happened in Montenegro. That is why the
average male is 6 feet, 3 inches (191 cm) there. They don‘t
have any secret exercises to become taller. You soon will

Now back to our comparisons of North America and
Northern Europe. We don‘t take care of our poor as well as
European countries. This hurts our average height because
their poor people are taller than our poor people.

When huge segments of the population lack proper nutrition
and proper medical care, they will have a hard time
reaching their maximum natural height. Also they have
smaller populations than the USA.

When a nation hurts itself nutritionally over a few
generations, most of the people won‘t reach their maximum
height. Eventually that will show up in the genetics of the

So it becomes a 1-2 punch. The good thing is, you can
overcome your genetics and usually add 2-4 inches (5-10
cm) to your height.

Now let‘s go to supplements.

The most important supplement you need is calcium. This is
the most important thing you will need for bone growth.
You will also need magnesium, chromium, and zinc. These
all play major parts in aiding bone growth.

The best sources for calcium and zinc are milk, yogurt,
eggs, and meat. The best source for chromium is meat. For
magnesium, it would probably be best to take it in pill form.

Here is an important side note. Magnesium helps you sleep
better which is when you do most of your growing. Milk
does as well. So consider drinking a glass of milk about 2
hours before bed.

Try to avoid calcium inhibitors such as soft drinks,
cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, refined sugars, and salt. If you
want to grow taller minimize the intake of them.

You will also need to drink a lot of water to keep your blood
thinned out and able to transport all the vitamins and
nutrients your muscles and bones will need to repair and
grow bigger and longer.

Human Growth Hormone and

Growth hormones are special hormones produced by special
cells in the endocrine glands, specifically the thyroid gland.
These hormones are produced in small amounts and are
sent into the bloodstream and target directly or indirectly
specific organs and tissues to help regulate growth and

Growth hormone instructs your skeletal bones and muscles
to grow stronger, bigger, and longer. If you have a lot of
growth hormone in your system, you can‘t help but get
bigger. If however you don‘t have enough growth hormone
in your body, it will be hard to grow. Your body can do only
so much with too little of it.

Glutamine is an amino acid that helps release growth
hormone. You may want to buy the supplement and
augment your exercise and nutritional program with it.

Now the good news is that you can naturally increase
growth hormone release through exercises, nutrition, and
proper sleep.

Intense exercises such as jumping and sprinting boost
growth hormone production.

Proper sleep is vital. The first 2 hours of sleep are when the
most growth hormone spills into your system. Not getting
enough sleep can lower the amount of growth hormone
your body produces. Get at least 8 hours of sleep.

Eating big meals with foods that have a high glycemic index
will force your body to produce a large amount of insulin to
help in digestion. This will effectively block out the flow of
growth hormone into your blood stream.

That is why a diet high in sugars and carbohydrates is bad
for growing taller. That is a big reason why Asians are
generally short. They eat way too many carbohydrates.

What is better is to have more meals with less
carbohydrates. The typical bodybuilder diet is a good
example to follow. Eating 5-7 small high protein meals is
the best way to keep your insulin levels low and your
growth hormone production high.

The intensity of your exercising has a lot to do with the
production of your growth hormone. If your exercising is of
lower intensity such as jogging, you will produce less
growth hormone as compared to sprinting.

A shorter more intense workout is better than a longer less
intense workout. Just remember there are numerous
factors into growing taller. Doing intense exercises will help
you in this quest, but it is not the only thing you have to do.

You will want to avoid eating any food or drinking any soft
drinks in the 2 hours before bed. This is critical because you
don‘t want any insulin surges before and during your sleep.

Remember, the first 2 hours of sleep are very important
because that is the time when your body produces and
releases the most growth hormone.

Consider drinking a glass of milk with a glutamine
supplement 2 hours before you expect to go to bed.

Now to the sleep part.

You will need 8 hours of sleep. You will need to sleep on a
firm mattress to help keep the spine straight.

You will need to either use a small pillow or no pillow at all.
Pillows hinder your breathing and take your neck out of
alignment with your spinal column.

You will need to sleep on your back and spread out. This
best stretches out and decompresses your spine. You must
stretch out.

One thing you can do is to raise the bottom part of your bed
where your feet are by 2-4 inches (5-10 cm) in height. This
way you use gravity to pull your spine up as opposed to
when you are standing and gravity pulls your spine down.

With your head below your heart, you will also allow gravity
to force better blood flow to your thyroid gland which can
help in the production of growth hormone.

View the original article here

Lower Ab Crunch

Lower Ab Crunch - The Lower Ab Crunch focuses on your lower abdominal muscles. It also helps give you better posture in your lower back by strengthening those muscles.

This exercise is a great starting block for an abdominal exercise program aimed at getting taller. You can do this exercise on the floor or on a bench. Lie down flat on your back with your knees bent at a 45 degree angle.
Contract your lower abdominal muscles so that your knees are drawn to your chest in a controlled manner. Then, slowly bring your legs back down. Repeat this process for at least 15 times, making sure that you pull your legs with your lower abdominal muscles each time.
Make sure your hip flexor has no to minimal movement throughout the exercise.

View the original article here

grow taller07

The Bridge

Lying down with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor
as close to your butt as possible, grab your ankles and hold
onto them while you raise your hips up and arch your spine,
lifting your abs towards the ceiling.

Lift your abs as high as possible. Go back down. If you can‘t
hold onto your ankles, keep your arms to the side and use
them to help push yourself up.

Each repetition should last between 3-10 seconds. This
stretch may be hard to do at first, but be persistent even if
you can‘t do it completely right at first.

The Table

Sit down on the floor with your legs straight. With your
torso straight, place the palms of your hands on the floor
next to your butt. Then tuck your chin against your chest.
Now bring your head back as far as it will go.

While doing that, raise your body so that your knees bend
while the arms stay straight. The torso and upper legs will
be straight and horizontal to the floor. Your arms and lower
legs will be perpendicular to the floor. You will be the shape
of a table.

This is another hard stretch for some. If you can‘t do it right
away, just do the best you can, eventually you will be able
to do it with ease. Each repetition should last between 8-20

View the original article here

How long will it take to see results?

How long will it take to see results? Although everyone’s body is different, many clients begin to notice a difference in their height and posture in about 6-8 weeks. The complete treatment plan can take 2 to 6 months to see noticable gains (Please take a look at the Growth Chart to the below).Grow Taller Growth ChartMonth two:
At this stage you can expect to be between 1-2 inches taller. You will also notice that your posture is improving and you’re sleeping better.Month four:
Now it’s time to start getting excited. You’ll start to see more incredible changes. You will be about 2-3 inches taller.Month six:
By the end of the 6th month you will be 3-6 inches taller. And when you look in a mirror you’ll be totally amazed at the results!Please note that some users will not see results in line with this timetable, so it’s crucial that you finish the bottles and follow the proper dosage instructions before jumping to a conclusion or giving up.

View the original article here

Height Statistics01

Height Statistics

Did you know that the country with the tallest people
overall is the Netherlands? The males average 6 feet (183
cm) and the females average just over 5 feet, 7 inches (170

The average American male height is 5 feet, 9 inches (175
cm) while females average 5 feet, 4 inches (163 cm).

The Dutch may have the tallest country, but the tallest
people in the world reside in an Eastern European republic
called Montenegro which is part of the country of Serbia and
Montenegro. The former Yugoslavia. If Montenegro were it‘s
own country, it would have the tallest people in the world.
And the Dutch wouldn‘t even be close.

The average male in Montenegro is 6 feet, 3 inches (191
cm). The females average just under 5 feet, 11 inches (180
cm). The average female there is taller than the average
American male.

There are over 5.5 million American males that are 6 feet, 2
inches (188 cm) or taller.

1 in 7 American males is 6 feet (183 cm) or taller, about
15% of the population. 1 in 2 Dutch males is 6 feet or taller,
50% of the population.

There are over 1.5 million American females 5 feet, 9 inches
(175 cm) or taller.

The average Japanese male is 5 feet, 5 1/8 inches (165 cm)

Each generation seems to be getting taller. The main factor
in that is nutrition.

Since poor people hundreds of years ago and even a few
generations ago had poor unbalanced diets that lacked what
they needed to grow properly, they in effect stunted their
own growth. This brought down the average height for most

It is general knowledge that wealthier people are on
average a couple inches taller than poorer people based
solely on nutrition.

Generations ago, the differences in height between wealthy
and poor were even more pronounced since poor people
had such horrible diets. The gap in nutrition between
wealthy and poor has closed significantly in recent

The height gap has also closed but has not completely
caught up. Wealthy people are still taller and that can be
attributed to genetics. Over the years they built up a
genetic height advantage based mainly on their diets.

Why do some wealthy nations such as Japan and other
Asian nations still lag in their height? A lot of that has to do
with the types of food they traditionally eat. Although the
Japanese are still way shorter than Americans and
Europeans, they are slowly catching up and growing at a
faster rate.

The reason? Their diets are changing. The Japanese have
recently passed the Chinese and for the first time in history
they are now taller than the Chinese.

Nutrition and Supplements
Proper nutrition and supplements are important to growing
taller. Leaving them out and dismissing them as not as
important as the exercises would be a bad move. Nutrition
is the main reason why the Dutch are so tall and why the
Japanese have grown 3 inches (8 cm) in average height in
the last 50 years.

The heights of these people and the height increases tell us
a lot about the health and nutritional standards of these
people. The critical stages in growth are the first year of life
and during puberty. If you are well nourished and eat and
drink the right things, you will be setting yourself up to
grow taller and maximize your natural height.

The Japanese use to have a diet consisting mostly of rice
and corn and other high carbohydrate foods. The problem
with that is, protein is essential for growth and they had
very little of that. Since they are gradually eating a more
Western type of diet, they have been growing taller since
World War II.

You will want a diet that consists mainly of meat and dairy
products such as milk, eggs, cheeses, and yogurt. Did you
know that yogurt is reported to be a secret growth food of
the people of Montenegro?

One thing about the Western type of diet that you don‘t
want to include is a lot of saturated fats. 150 years ago,
North Americans were the tallest people in the world.

Even back as far to the year 1750, North Americans were
the tallest people with the average male being 5 feet, 8
inches (173 cm) tall. That was 2-3 inches (5-8 cm) taller
than the average North European male.

We have gotten taller, but the Dutch and Nordic countries
such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark have
passed us because they have a less fattening diet. They are
growing at a faster rate.

There are a few other reasons why we have been passed up
as well. In the past we had a lower population which helps
boost up the average height of a people. We were relatively
isolated and had less problems with diseases than
Europeans. We had a dietary advantage as well.

Now we have a population of over 280 million people to
spread the average height across. Over 10% of the
population is foreign born, usually from Third World nations
which have a worse diet than Americans. So these people
put a downward trend to our height average.

Look at the republic of Montenegro. They have about
600,000 people and are relatively isolated with a diet that
has a lot of dairy products in it. They are a hardy
mountainous people who keep fit.

They built up their genetics through diet and fitness over
the years while maintaining a low population. Even though
they are relatively poor, they have had fewer children. Since
having lots of people/children puts a downward trend on
heights, they essentially avoided that without knowing it.

When you spread out having a lot of kids over a population,
usually the poorer and generally speaking, shorter people
will have the majority of kids. Well, when you have less kids
and spread those kids across a smaller population of taller
people, the kids and the whole people become taller

This is what has happened in Montenegro. That is why the
average male is 6 feet, 3 inches (191 cm) there. They don‘t
have any secret exercises to become taller. You soon will

Now back to our comparisons of North America and
Northern Europe. We don‘t take care of our poor as well as
European countries. This hurts our average height because
their poor people are taller than our poor people.

When huge segments of the population lack proper nutrition
and proper medical care, they will have a hard time
reaching their maximum natural height. Also they have
smaller populations than the USA.

When a nation hurts itself nutritionally over a few
generations, most of the people won‘t reach their maximum
height. Eventually that will show up in the genetics of the

So it becomes a 1-2 punch. The good thing is, you can
overcome your genetics and usually add 2-4 inches (5-10
cm) to your height.

Now let‘s go to supplements.

The most important supplement you need is calcium. This is
the most important thing you will need for bone growth.
You will also need magnesium, chromium, and zinc. These
all play major parts in aiding bone growth.

The best sources for calcium and zinc are milk, yogurt,
eggs, and meat. The best source for chromium is meat. For
magnesium, it would probably be best to take it in pill form.

Here is an important side note. Magnesium helps you sleep
better which is when you do most of your growing. Milk
does as well. So consider drinking a glass of milk about 2
hours before bed.

Try to avoid calcium inhibitors such as soft drinks,
cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, refined sugars, and salt. If you
want to grow taller minimize the intake of them.

You will also need to drink a lot of water to keep your blood
thinned out and able to transport all the vitamins and
nutrients your muscles and bones will need to repair and
grow bigger and longer.

Human Growth Hormone and

Growth hormones are special hormones produced by special
cells in the endocrine glands, specifically the thyroid gland.
These hormones are produced in small amounts and are
sent into the bloodstream and target directly or indirectly
specific organs and tissues to help regulate growth and

Growth hormone instructs your skeletal bones and muscles
to grow stronger, bigger, and longer. If you have a lot of
growth hormone in your system, you can‘t help but get
bigger. If however you don‘t have enough growth hormone
in your body, it will be hard to grow. Your body can do only
so much with too little of it.

Glutamine is an amino acid that helps release growth
hormone. You may want to buy the supplement and
augment your exercise and nutritional program with it.

Now the good news is that you can naturally increase
growth hormone release through exercises, nutrition, and
proper sleep.

Intense exercises such as jumping and sprinting boost
growth hormone production.

Proper sleep is vital. The first 2 hours of sleep are when the
most growth hormone spills into your system. Not getting
enough sleep can lower the amount of growth hormone
your body produces. Get at least 8 hours of sleep.

Eating big meals with foods that have a high glycemic index
will force your body to produce a large amount of insulin to
help in digestion. This will effectively block out the flow of
growth hormone into your blood stream.

That is why a diet high in sugars and carbohydrates is bad
for growing taller. That is a big reason why Asians are
generally short. They eat way too many carbohydrates.

What is better is to have more meals with less
carbohydrates. The typical bodybuilder diet is a good
example to follow. Eating 5-7 small high protein meals is
the best way to keep your insulin levels low and your
growth hormone production high.

The intensity of your exercising has a lot to do with the
production of your growth hormone. If your exercising is of
lower intensity such as jogging, you will produce less
growth hormone as compared to sprinting.

A shorter more intense workout is better than a longer less
intense workout. Just remember there are numerous
factors into growing taller. Doing intense exercises will help
you in this quest, but it is not the only thing you have to do.

You will want to avoid eating any food or drinking any soft
drinks in the 2 hours before bed. This is critical because you
don‘t want any insulin surges before and during your sleep.

Remember, the first 2 hours of sleep are very important
because that is the time when your body produces and
releases the most growth hormone.

Consider drinking a glass of milk with a glutamine
supplement 2 hours before you expect to go to bed.

Now to the sleep part.

You will need 8 hours of sleep. You will need to sleep on a
firm mattress to help keep the spine straight.

You will need to either use a small pillow or no pillow at all.
Pillows hinder your breathing and take your neck out of
alignment with your spinal column.

You will need to sleep on your back and spread out. This
best stretches out and decompresses your spine. You must
stretch out.

One thing you can do is to raise the bottom part of your bed
where your feet are by 2-4 inches (5-10 cm) in height. This
way you use gravity to pull your spine up as opposed to
when you are standing and gravity pulls your spine down.

With your head below your heart, you will also allow gravity
to force better blood flow to your thyroid gland which can
help in the production of growth hormone.

grow taller 11

Super Sky Stretch
On your knees with your arms stretched upwards and hands
together, lean your head and arms back as far as possible.
Each repetition should last about 5 seconds.

The Downhill

Standing with your hands together and arms behind you,
bend down at the waist as far as possible as you slowly
swing your arms as high as possible behind you.

Each repetition should last between 4-6 seconds.

Standing Table Hold

Standing with your hands holding a table and your upper
body horizontal to the table, have someone push against
your upper back as you stretch. Each repetition should last
10-15 seconds.

Bench Stretch

Sitting on a straight bench with your arms raised above
you, slowly lean back so that your upper body is off the
bench and horizontal to it.

Each repetition should last about 6 seconds.

Incline Upper Body Slant Stretch

Sitting on the upper part of an incline bench with your legs
straight and hand together behind your neck, lean back
over the edge as far as possible.

Each repetition should last 4-7 seconds.

The Acrobat

Lying on your back with your knees bent and hands next to
your head with the palms flat against the floor, push off
your feet and hands to raise yourself up as high as possible.
Each repetition should last about 8-15 seconds.


The section on swimming is going to be very brief and to
the point.

To lengthen your spine while swimming, you should
consider doing the breast stroke. It is the ideal stroke
because while your legs are kicking one way, your arms are
stretching you the other way. Since this is happening at the
same time, this helps lengthen your spine as opposed to
other swimming strokes.

The second reason swimming is good is because being in a
pool of water effectively neutralizes the effects of gravity on
your spine.


There is nothing complicated to hanging. It is just as you
thought it would be. No exciting secrets. You hang from a
bar. This helps to lengthen and straighten your spine. It is
tedious and can be tiring, but it works.

Each hanging repetition should last between 10 seconds and
as long as you can hold on for. You can hold on longer if
you use a pair of weightlifting wrist wraps. We highly
suggest that you use them.

We recommend that you hang at least 30 minutes a week.
If you can do more, even better.

Another thing to consider is that if you want your back and
shoulders to get wider and have that V-Taper, use a wider
grip. The wider the better. You can vary your hanging grips.

A wider grip is harder.

Hanging effectively decompresses the spine.

Exercises for Leg Lengthening

The exercises which will be used to lengthen your legs
include the following:

• Kicking
• Jumping
• Cycling
• Swimming
• Jumping Rope
• Sprints


Repeated kicking helps lengthen the shin and thigh bone.
Ever notice how kick-boxers have longer than average legs?

It‘s the same principle as far as baseball pitchers too.
Pitchers usually have a pitching arm that is 1-2 inches (2-5
cm) longer than their other arm. Same principle. Repetitive
stress forces the bones to lengthen due to the stress.

There are only 2 kicks you will have to do in this program.
The first one is the basic front snap kick. Just extend out
your leg and snap out a kick. The kick will be quick and not
go any higher than 2 feet (60 cm) off the ground.

Each kick will last less than 1 second. Do 20 kicks at a time
on each leg then switch to the other leg. Rest 30-60
seconds after you are done with 20 kicks for each leg. Then
repeat the process over again.

The second kick is a straight leg kick. The best way to
explain this is to pretend you are kicking or punting a
football or soccer ball. Kick as high as possible. Each kick
will last about 1.5 seconds.

Do 10 kicks at a time on each leg then switch to the other
leg. Rest 45-60 seconds after you are done with 10 kicks for
each leg. Then repeat the process over again.


There are 2 jumps in this program. The first jump is to jump
up onto a bench and jump back off. You can do this with
both legs or 1 leg at a time. You can get more done by
doing both legs at the same time.

These will be rapid jumps. Each jump will last less than 1
second. Do 10 jumps then rest 30 seconds.

The second jump will be to jump as high as you can. These
are more intense and require more resting. Do a jump then
rest 5-15 seconds depending on your fitness level.


For cycling to help your legs to get longer, you will have to
ride the bike with the seat raised 2-4 inches (5-10 cm)
higher than is comfortable for you. It will be hard at first to
ride a bike like this, but keep at it because it is one of the
best ways to force your legs to stretch and lengthen.

Do 20 minutes of this at a time. A stationary bike would be
ideal to use.


Again, do the breast stroke. Most people don‘t have regular
access to a swimming pool so don‘t be too concerned if you
have to leave this out of your program. If however you do
have access to a swimming pool, do 15-20 minutes of the
breast stroke over a period of 30 minutes.

Jumping Rope

Jumping rope puts a lot of stress on your shins if done
correctly. Provided you give your shins proper rest, this will
help you lengthen your legs. Jump with both of your legs at
the same time. Do at most 500 jumps in a session.


There are 2 reasons for doing sprints to get longer legs. The
first reason is that intense sprints increase the amount of
growth hormone released into your blood. This allows your
whole body to grow.

The second reason is that sprints are the best way to stress
your leg bones. Be careful when doing sprints because you
can easily develop shin splints if you overload yourself with
too many sprints and not enough rest.

For sufficient growth, you will only need to do 4-6 sprints of
40-60 yards 3 days a week. If because of weather you can‘t
do sprints, then switch to one of the other leg lengthening

Deep Breathing and Massage

Deep Breathing

Proper deep breathing is essential in allowing all of the
exercises in this program to work as efficient as possible for

The reason is that you want the proper oxygenation of your
blood to carry all the hormones and blood to where they
need to go. Deep breathing stimulates this. Shallow
breathing doesn‘t stimulate blood movement or the
oxygenation of blood.

When you are doing your stretches, practice deep breathing
during the stretches.

Now besides doing the deep breathing while stretching, you
will have to do it separately. There are 3 things you need to
concentrate on when doing deep breathing.

• Inhaling
• Holding
• Exhaling

You will inhale through your nose. You will hold with your
mouth. And then you will exhale out of your mouth.

Now there are 3 ways we want you to do the deep

1-1-1 You will inhale, hold, and exhale the same amount of
time. You will inhale for 5 seconds, you will hold for 5
seconds, and you will exhale for 5 seconds. Do at
least 10 of these each day. You can change the
amount in the times, but keep the ratio constant.

1-4-2 You will inhale 3 seconds, hold for 12 seconds, and
exhale for 6 seconds. Do at least 10 of these each
day. This targets your lymph system. You can change
the amount in the times, but keep the ratio constant.

The last deep breathing you will have to do is to inhale and
hold your breath for as long as possible. Then exhale. Do 5
of these each day.

If possible, try to spread these out throughout the day.


The pituitary gland in the endocrine system is the gland that
helps the thyroid control your hormones and growth rate.
This gland is located at the forward base of your brain.

You can help speed up slow growth by stimulating reflex
points in the body that have a special nerve connection to
the pituitary gland.

The main reflex point to massage is located on the pad of
your thumb. Use your other thumb to rub the pad in a
clockwise motion. Be very firm when doing this.

Massage each thumb pad for 2-3 minutes every day. You
don‘t even have to do it all in a row, you can break it up
and do it during TV commercial breaks if you want.

The second area you will massage is your whole neck. A lot
of people have their blood flow stagnate in their neck

By massaging it, you will give the blood a smoother passage
to your brain, thyroid, and pituitary gland, which will allow
for a more efficient distribution of your growth hormone.

To massage your neck, use your fingers and rub in a
circular motion all over your neck. Do this for 5 minutes. Be
sure to roll your neck a few times during and after the
massage. Since the thyroid is located in the front part of
your neck, put a lot of focus there.

Height Program

We understand that it is hard for most people to incorporate
a routine into their schedules over a period of time. It is not
necessary for you to do all or any of these exercises all

If you can do a little here and there throughout the day, you
will more likely stick with the program and grow taller. So it
may be hard to calculate how much time you devote each

On days that you have a block of time, please do some of
these exercises and stretches during that time. You should
be able to find a block of 20 minutes each day, but some
days you may not be totally motivated or into it.

Ideally, we‘d like you to do 45-75 minutes a day, 6 days a
week. If you have to break it up into 2-3 mini workouts to
get to 75 minutes, do it. If you miss a day or only do 20
minutes a day, don‘t worry too much about it. Just don‘t
make that a habit.

To make it easier on your schedule, consider breaking up
the parts of this program.

Do your stretches, kicking, and jumping while you are at
home. Perhaps schedule it while you watch TV. However,
just remember to concentrate when you are doing your

Do your breathing and massage right when you wake up in
the morning and right before you go to bed at night.

Throw in jumping rope when you can at home.

The sprints you can do near your house. Cycling you will
have to block out a time to do that. Hanging and swimming
you will probably have to find a gym unless you have a bar
and or swimming pool at home.

The main part of the program will be the things you can do
at home and in private.

The staple of this program will be stretching for your spine.
This will get you the quickest results. A lot of people have
gained an inch or more within 2 weeks of stretching. People
seem to underestimate stretching.

Stretching straightens out your spine. Just because you sit
or stand up straight doesn‘t mean your spine is straight. It
means you are sitting or standing up straight with a
somewhat crooked and arched spine.

That is not as tall as you can be no matter how straight you
think you are sitting or standing. But once you progress
with your stretches, you will straighten out your spine and
reach not only your full potential as it is now, but it will be
possible to lengthen your spine beyond just straightening it

You can add about 1-1.5 inches (2-4 cm) with the proper
straightening of the spine. You can also add an extra 1-1.5
inches by lengthening the spine even more by adding space
between each vertebrae and elongating your cartilage in the

The second most important component to this program is
kicking for your legs. Just to let you know, cycling with an
elevated seat will get you quicker results but we have to
assume you can‘t ride a bike or stationary bike consistently
enough each week for whatever reasons.

If you can ride a bike consistently, put more emphasis on it
over kicking. You can usually add an inch to your legs within
2.5 months with seat elevated bike riding.

The supplementary parts of this program include swimming,
sprints, jumping, jump rope, and hanging, not to mention
cycling. Besides cycling, hanging is the most important.

The priority in exercises should be in this order:

1. Stretching
2. seat elevated cycling
3. hanging
4. kicking
5. jumping
6. sprints
7. swimming
8. jumping rope

Here is the 6-day a week program:

25-30 minutes of stretching each day.

Choose 5 different stretches and concentrate on them. Have
at least 1 lying down stretch, 1 standing up stretch, and 1
twisting stretch each day. This will work your spine from a
bunch of different angles. Change at least 3 of the 5
stretches you do each week.

Rest 3-10 seconds between each stretch.

15-20 minutes of kicking each day.

Do the snap kick for 10-15 minutes of that time. Do the
straight leg kick for the rest of the time. Rest according to
our above outline in the kicking section.

5-10 minutes of hanging. Rest according to how you feel.
Rest long enough so that the next time you hang you can
do at least 10 seconds of hanging.

15-30 minutes of the rest of the exercises. Cycling gets
priority. Then jumps. If however you can cycle 6 days a
week for 20 minutes, then use kicking in this time period
and cycling as your staple leg lengthening exercise.

Mix and match what you do in this time to keep things
interesting and not so tedious. This way you will maintain
your enthusiasm, persistence, and dedication.

On top of those exercises, make sure to do a total of 10
minutes of deep breathing and 10 minutes of massaging
your thumb pads and neck each day.

Try to do 5 minutes of each when you wake up and 5
minutes of each before you go to bed.


As you can see, the process of increasing your height isn‘t
very hard. You can expect to grow at least an inch within 4
weeks. You have to be dedicated and not cheat yourself.

As a general rule, your spine should grow before your legs.
You can get about 2 inches (5 cm) of growth from your
spine and 2 inches from your legs.

The older you are, the harder it will be to grow because
your plates are fused together (or are in the process of
fusing together) and you produce less growth hormone.

This program would be ideal for a teenager that is still
growing because by doing this program they can add to
their growth spurt and even prolong it.

Don‘t just focus on the exercises. Remember that sleep and
nutrition are vital to this program. Don‘t cheat yourself out
of an extra inch or more by not getting enough sleep or
eating a bunch of junk food.

A lot of research was put into the components of this
program. We gave you a flexible and doable program.
Please follow the guidelines.