Monday, September 24, 2012

Lower Ab Crunch

Lower Ab Crunch - The Lower Ab Crunch focuses on your lower abdominal muscles. It also helps give you better posture in your lower back by strengthening those muscles.

This exercise is a great starting block for an abdominal exercise program aimed at getting taller. You can do this exercise on the floor or on a bench. Lie down flat on your back with your knees bent at a 45 degree angle.
Contract your lower abdominal muscles so that your knees are drawn to your chest in a controlled manner. Then, slowly bring your legs back down. Repeat this process for at least 15 times, making sure that you pull your legs with your lower abdominal muscles each time.
Make sure your hip flexor has no to minimal movement throughout the exercise.

View the original article here

1 comment:

  1. You can do this exercise on bli längre skoinlägg the floor or on a bench. Lie down flat on your back with your knees bent at a 45 degree angle.
