Monday, September 24, 2012

grow taller07

The Bridge

Lying down with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor
as close to your butt as possible, grab your ankles and hold
onto them while you raise your hips up and arch your spine,
lifting your abs towards the ceiling.

Lift your abs as high as possible. Go back down. If you can‘t
hold onto your ankles, keep your arms to the side and use
them to help push yourself up.

Each repetition should last between 3-10 seconds. This
stretch may be hard to do at first, but be persistent even if
you can‘t do it completely right at first.

The Table

Sit down on the floor with your legs straight. With your
torso straight, place the palms of your hands on the floor
next to your butt. Then tuck your chin against your chest.
Now bring your head back as far as it will go.

While doing that, raise your body so that your knees bend
while the arms stay straight. The torso and upper legs will
be straight and horizontal to the floor. Your arms and lower
legs will be perpendicular to the floor. You will be the shape
of a table.

This is another hard stretch for some. If you can‘t do it right
away, just do the best you can, eventually you will be able
to do it with ease. Each repetition should last between 8-20

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