Monday, September 24, 2012

grow taller 11

Super Sky Stretch
On your knees with your arms stretched upwards and hands
together, lean your head and arms back as far as possible.
Each repetition should last about 5 seconds.

The Downhill

Standing with your hands together and arms behind you,
bend down at the waist as far as possible as you slowly
swing your arms as high as possible behind you.

Each repetition should last between 4-6 seconds.

Standing Table Hold

Standing with your hands holding a table and your upper
body horizontal to the table, have someone push against
your upper back as you stretch. Each repetition should last
10-15 seconds.

Bench Stretch

Sitting on a straight bench with your arms raised above
you, slowly lean back so that your upper body is off the
bench and horizontal to it.

Each repetition should last about 6 seconds.

Incline Upper Body Slant Stretch

Sitting on the upper part of an incline bench with your legs
straight and hand together behind your neck, lean back
over the edge as far as possible.

Each repetition should last 4-7 seconds.

The Acrobat

Lying on your back with your knees bent and hands next to
your head with the palms flat against the floor, push off
your feet and hands to raise yourself up as high as possible.
Each repetition should last about 8-15 seconds.


The section on swimming is going to be very brief and to
the point.

To lengthen your spine while swimming, you should
consider doing the breast stroke. It is the ideal stroke
because while your legs are kicking one way, your arms are
stretching you the other way. Since this is happening at the
same time, this helps lengthen your spine as opposed to
other swimming strokes.

The second reason swimming is good is because being in a
pool of water effectively neutralizes the effects of gravity on
your spine.


There is nothing complicated to hanging. It is just as you
thought it would be. No exciting secrets. You hang from a
bar. This helps to lengthen and straighten your spine. It is
tedious and can be tiring, but it works.

Each hanging repetition should last between 10 seconds and
as long as you can hold on for. You can hold on longer if
you use a pair of weightlifting wrist wraps. We highly
suggest that you use them.

We recommend that you hang at least 30 minutes a week.
If you can do more, even better.

Another thing to consider is that if you want your back and
shoulders to get wider and have that V-Taper, use a wider
grip. The wider the better. You can vary your hanging grips.

A wider grip is harder.

Hanging effectively decompresses the spine.

Exercises for Leg Lengthening

The exercises which will be used to lengthen your legs
include the following:

• Kicking
• Jumping
• Cycling
• Swimming
• Jumping Rope
• Sprints


Repeated kicking helps lengthen the shin and thigh bone.
Ever notice how kick-boxers have longer than average legs?

It‘s the same principle as far as baseball pitchers too.
Pitchers usually have a pitching arm that is 1-2 inches (2-5
cm) longer than their other arm. Same principle. Repetitive
stress forces the bones to lengthen due to the stress.

There are only 2 kicks you will have to do in this program.
The first one is the basic front snap kick. Just extend out
your leg and snap out a kick. The kick will be quick and not
go any higher than 2 feet (60 cm) off the ground.

Each kick will last less than 1 second. Do 20 kicks at a time
on each leg then switch to the other leg. Rest 30-60
seconds after you are done with 20 kicks for each leg. Then
repeat the process over again.

The second kick is a straight leg kick. The best way to
explain this is to pretend you are kicking or punting a
football or soccer ball. Kick as high as possible. Each kick
will last about 1.5 seconds.

Do 10 kicks at a time on each leg then switch to the other
leg. Rest 45-60 seconds after you are done with 10 kicks for
each leg. Then repeat the process over again.


There are 2 jumps in this program. The first jump is to jump
up onto a bench and jump back off. You can do this with
both legs or 1 leg at a time. You can get more done by
doing both legs at the same time.

These will be rapid jumps. Each jump will last less than 1
second. Do 10 jumps then rest 30 seconds.

The second jump will be to jump as high as you can. These
are more intense and require more resting. Do a jump then
rest 5-15 seconds depending on your fitness level.


For cycling to help your legs to get longer, you will have to
ride the bike with the seat raised 2-4 inches (5-10 cm)
higher than is comfortable for you. It will be hard at first to
ride a bike like this, but keep at it because it is one of the
best ways to force your legs to stretch and lengthen.

Do 20 minutes of this at a time. A stationary bike would be
ideal to use.


Again, do the breast stroke. Most people don‘t have regular
access to a swimming pool so don‘t be too concerned if you
have to leave this out of your program. If however you do
have access to a swimming pool, do 15-20 minutes of the
breast stroke over a period of 30 minutes.

Jumping Rope

Jumping rope puts a lot of stress on your shins if done
correctly. Provided you give your shins proper rest, this will
help you lengthen your legs. Jump with both of your legs at
the same time. Do at most 500 jumps in a session.


There are 2 reasons for doing sprints to get longer legs. The
first reason is that intense sprints increase the amount of
growth hormone released into your blood. This allows your
whole body to grow.

The second reason is that sprints are the best way to stress
your leg bones. Be careful when doing sprints because you
can easily develop shin splints if you overload yourself with
too many sprints and not enough rest.

For sufficient growth, you will only need to do 4-6 sprints of
40-60 yards 3 days a week. If because of weather you can‘t
do sprints, then switch to one of the other leg lengthening

Deep Breathing and Massage

Deep Breathing

Proper deep breathing is essential in allowing all of the
exercises in this program to work as efficient as possible for

The reason is that you want the proper oxygenation of your
blood to carry all the hormones and blood to where they
need to go. Deep breathing stimulates this. Shallow
breathing doesn‘t stimulate blood movement or the
oxygenation of blood.

When you are doing your stretches, practice deep breathing
during the stretches.

Now besides doing the deep breathing while stretching, you
will have to do it separately. There are 3 things you need to
concentrate on when doing deep breathing.

• Inhaling
• Holding
• Exhaling

You will inhale through your nose. You will hold with your
mouth. And then you will exhale out of your mouth.

Now there are 3 ways we want you to do the deep

1-1-1 You will inhale, hold, and exhale the same amount of
time. You will inhale for 5 seconds, you will hold for 5
seconds, and you will exhale for 5 seconds. Do at
least 10 of these each day. You can change the
amount in the times, but keep the ratio constant.

1-4-2 You will inhale 3 seconds, hold for 12 seconds, and
exhale for 6 seconds. Do at least 10 of these each
day. This targets your lymph system. You can change
the amount in the times, but keep the ratio constant.

The last deep breathing you will have to do is to inhale and
hold your breath for as long as possible. Then exhale. Do 5
of these each day.

If possible, try to spread these out throughout the day.


The pituitary gland in the endocrine system is the gland that
helps the thyroid control your hormones and growth rate.
This gland is located at the forward base of your brain.

You can help speed up slow growth by stimulating reflex
points in the body that have a special nerve connection to
the pituitary gland.

The main reflex point to massage is located on the pad of
your thumb. Use your other thumb to rub the pad in a
clockwise motion. Be very firm when doing this.

Massage each thumb pad for 2-3 minutes every day. You
don‘t even have to do it all in a row, you can break it up
and do it during TV commercial breaks if you want.

The second area you will massage is your whole neck. A lot
of people have their blood flow stagnate in their neck

By massaging it, you will give the blood a smoother passage
to your brain, thyroid, and pituitary gland, which will allow
for a more efficient distribution of your growth hormone.

To massage your neck, use your fingers and rub in a
circular motion all over your neck. Do this for 5 minutes. Be
sure to roll your neck a few times during and after the
massage. Since the thyroid is located in the front part of
your neck, put a lot of focus there.

Height Program

We understand that it is hard for most people to incorporate
a routine into their schedules over a period of time. It is not
necessary for you to do all or any of these exercises all

If you can do a little here and there throughout the day, you
will more likely stick with the program and grow taller. So it
may be hard to calculate how much time you devote each

On days that you have a block of time, please do some of
these exercises and stretches during that time. You should
be able to find a block of 20 minutes each day, but some
days you may not be totally motivated or into it.

Ideally, we‘d like you to do 45-75 minutes a day, 6 days a
week. If you have to break it up into 2-3 mini workouts to
get to 75 minutes, do it. If you miss a day or only do 20
minutes a day, don‘t worry too much about it. Just don‘t
make that a habit.

To make it easier on your schedule, consider breaking up
the parts of this program.

Do your stretches, kicking, and jumping while you are at
home. Perhaps schedule it while you watch TV. However,
just remember to concentrate when you are doing your

Do your breathing and massage right when you wake up in
the morning and right before you go to bed at night.

Throw in jumping rope when you can at home.

The sprints you can do near your house. Cycling you will
have to block out a time to do that. Hanging and swimming
you will probably have to find a gym unless you have a bar
and or swimming pool at home.

The main part of the program will be the things you can do
at home and in private.

The staple of this program will be stretching for your spine.
This will get you the quickest results. A lot of people have
gained an inch or more within 2 weeks of stretching. People
seem to underestimate stretching.

Stretching straightens out your spine. Just because you sit
or stand up straight doesn‘t mean your spine is straight. It
means you are sitting or standing up straight with a
somewhat crooked and arched spine.

That is not as tall as you can be no matter how straight you
think you are sitting or standing. But once you progress
with your stretches, you will straighten out your spine and
reach not only your full potential as it is now, but it will be
possible to lengthen your spine beyond just straightening it

You can add about 1-1.5 inches (2-4 cm) with the proper
straightening of the spine. You can also add an extra 1-1.5
inches by lengthening the spine even more by adding space
between each vertebrae and elongating your cartilage in the

The second most important component to this program is
kicking for your legs. Just to let you know, cycling with an
elevated seat will get you quicker results but we have to
assume you can‘t ride a bike or stationary bike consistently
enough each week for whatever reasons.

If you can ride a bike consistently, put more emphasis on it
over kicking. You can usually add an inch to your legs within
2.5 months with seat elevated bike riding.

The supplementary parts of this program include swimming,
sprints, jumping, jump rope, and hanging, not to mention
cycling. Besides cycling, hanging is the most important.

The priority in exercises should be in this order:

1. Stretching
2. seat elevated cycling
3. hanging
4. kicking
5. jumping
6. sprints
7. swimming
8. jumping rope

Here is the 6-day a week program:

25-30 minutes of stretching each day.

Choose 5 different stretches and concentrate on them. Have
at least 1 lying down stretch, 1 standing up stretch, and 1
twisting stretch each day. This will work your spine from a
bunch of different angles. Change at least 3 of the 5
stretches you do each week.

Rest 3-10 seconds between each stretch.

15-20 minutes of kicking each day.

Do the snap kick for 10-15 minutes of that time. Do the
straight leg kick for the rest of the time. Rest according to
our above outline in the kicking section.

5-10 minutes of hanging. Rest according to how you feel.
Rest long enough so that the next time you hang you can
do at least 10 seconds of hanging.

15-30 minutes of the rest of the exercises. Cycling gets
priority. Then jumps. If however you can cycle 6 days a
week for 20 minutes, then use kicking in this time period
and cycling as your staple leg lengthening exercise.

Mix and match what you do in this time to keep things
interesting and not so tedious. This way you will maintain
your enthusiasm, persistence, and dedication.

On top of those exercises, make sure to do a total of 10
minutes of deep breathing and 10 minutes of massaging
your thumb pads and neck each day.

Try to do 5 minutes of each when you wake up and 5
minutes of each before you go to bed.


As you can see, the process of increasing your height isn‘t
very hard. You can expect to grow at least an inch within 4
weeks. You have to be dedicated and not cheat yourself.

As a general rule, your spine should grow before your legs.
You can get about 2 inches (5 cm) of growth from your
spine and 2 inches from your legs.

The older you are, the harder it will be to grow because
your plates are fused together (or are in the process of
fusing together) and you produce less growth hormone.

This program would be ideal for a teenager that is still
growing because by doing this program they can add to
their growth spurt and even prolong it.

Don‘t just focus on the exercises. Remember that sleep and
nutrition are vital to this program. Don‘t cheat yourself out
of an extra inch or more by not getting enough sleep or
eating a bunch of junk food.

A lot of research was put into the components of this
program. We gave you a flexible and doable program.
Please follow the guidelines.

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