Monday, September 24, 2012

grow taller 10

W all Stretch

Standing up against a wall, reach your hands up as high as
possible while getting on you tip toes. Keep your spine flat
against the wall as much as possible. Each repetition should
last between 4-6 seconds. This stretch is harder than it
looks because you are keeping your spine flat against the

Basic Twist

Standing with your arms straight out at shoulder level, twist
your upper body to the left and right while your legs and
hips remain still. The twist to each side should last between
2-4 seconds.

Super Stretch #2

Standing up, face 4 inches (10 cm) from a wall, reach as far
up onto the wall as possible getting on your tip toes. Each
repetition should last about 3-5 seconds.

1 Straight Leg Up

Lying on your stomach with your hands behind your neck,
raise one of your legs as high and as far up as possible.
Now repeat with the other leg. Keep your legs straight.

Each repetition should last between 3-5 seconds.

Touch Toes

Standing with your hands high above your head, bend over
and touch your toes. Keep your legs as straight as possible.
You can bend your knees a little if need be. Each repetition
should last between 2-3 seconds.

Bar Twist

Standing with a broom or bar way over your head, twist to
your left and right. Twist to one side and stretch, then twist
to the other side and stretch. You should hold each
repetition on each side for 3-4 seconds.

2 Straight Leg Ups
Lying face down with your palms down and on the sides,
raise both your legs up together as high as possible. Keep
your feet together. Each repetition should last 3 seconds.

The Bowl

Lying face down, raise both your arms and legs up at the
same time. Each repetition should last 3 seconds.

The Skier

Standing with your legs 3 feet (1 m) apart and your arms
raised over your head as high as possible, bend forward at
your waist and push your arms through your legs. Each
repetition should last about 5 seconds.

Upper Body Slant

Sitting on the edge of a slant board with your legs straight,
lean back as far as possible so that your upper body is
completely off of the slant board. If you don‘t have a slant
board, you can easily create one with a board and a bucket.

Each repetition should last 4-5 seconds.

Lower Body Slant

With your upper body lying on a straight bench and your
butt on it while your legs are completely straight, lean your
upper body forward and bring your nose to your knees.

Each repetition should last between 4-5 seconds.

Sky Stretch

Kneel on the floor with your body straight and your hands
against your thighs. Bring your neck and head forward and
tuck your chin to your chest. Then bring your neck and head
as far back as possible while you arch your spine. Each
repetition should last between 6-8 seconds.

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