Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Growth Hormone

Growth Hormone: Grow Taller SupplementsGrowthMAX Plus® is 100 % safe and natural and it is the safest way to increase your heightAs shown in the above human growth hormone chart, at age 15, the average person's HGH levels are sitting around 1000ug. By the age of 25, however, HGH levels have typically plummeted down to just 500ug -- a mere 50% of their prime levels. However, this Growth Hormone decline can be fully avoided by using GrowthMax Plus®, which will definitely help you grow taller naturally by simulating the pituitary gland to encourage the release of growth hormone for human growth. Thus, helping you grow taller in a totally safe, easy and convenient way.How Does GrowthMAX Plus® Work?GrowthMax Plus® makes you grow taller by using all natural ingredients to make your body respond with an increase in growth hormone production. These hormones will lengthen the cartilage between each vertebrae in your spine, making it longer and increasing your height. They will also help to strengthen and thicken the cartilage in your joints, including your knees. Over time, the cartilage will be replaced with the calcified bone matrix. This will add to your body’s ability to respond to stress and injury. The length of the spine in the upper part of the body is what makes a person taller or shorter and contributes to over a third of a person’s height. There are over thirty individual bones in a person’s spine which are held together by tissue known as a ligament. Only the two that sit lowest in the spine are immoveable as these are what form the back of the pelvis. All of the other bones are always moveable and so are not fused together. The formula in Growthmax Plus® works by lengthening the discs between each bone, or vertebrae, which increases the entire length of the spinal column and so increases height in the process. The cartilage in a person’s body can grow, thicken, adapt and remodel. Furthermore, Growthmax Plus® strengthens and thickens the cartilage in the body’s joints which further adds to the increase in height.

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