Thursday, September 27, 2012


Background Information

So what are the major factors when it comes to height and
gaining height:

• Genetics
• Nutrition
• Human Growth Hormone
• Exercises
• Growth Plates
• Sleep
• Deep Breathing
• Massage

What you can‘t control.

You can‘t control your genetics.

You can‘t change or control when your growth plates fuse
up and close, either. Usually this happens around the age of
24. You can still grow after that, but it is a lot harder. You
will gain at most 2 inches (5 cm) of height after your growth
plates fuse together.

Two inches is still a lot of height gained. So don‘t be too
worried about your growth plates.

This is what we will focus on in this book and what you can

We can show you how to help boost your Human Growth
Hormone production to help prime your body to grow. Sleep
is tied into this.

We can help you understand the importance of deep
breathing and a certain area that needs to be massaged.
You can mix and match the exercises you use in this
program, but you will have to do the massage and the deep

We will show you the proper nutrition you will need as well
as a secret, yet common, food that some of the tallest
people in the world eat.

Finally, you have total control of the exercises you can
choose or not choose to grow tall. As you can see, there are
plenty of factors in growing taller that you have control of.

The exercises in this program will target your spinal column
and your legs.

View the original article here

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